Discussion of psychological research and theories on the psychology of girls and women from a multicultural perspective.
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STA 409: Statistical Methods in Research I
Same as STA 308, but is for students who have better mathematical preparation.
Continue reading "STA 409: Statistical Methods in Research I"ACC 199: Financial Accounting for Nonbusiness Majors
Basic concepts used in financial accounting for business organizations.
Continue reading "ACC 199: Financial Accounting for Nonbusiness Majors"MGT 341: (BUS) Organizational Behavior
Introduction to organizational behavior; focus on individual, interpersonal, team and organization factor, and how these shape individuals behaviors at work.
Continue reading "MGT 341: (BUS) Organizational Behavior"MKT 367: (BUS) Marketing Research
Describes the nature and scope of marketing research activities.
Continue reading "MKT 367: (BUS) Marketing Research"JOR 443: Strategic Media Communication
Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.
Continue reading "JOR 443: Strategic Media Communication"PRS 442: Strategic Media Communication
Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.
Continue reading "PRS 442: Strategic Media Communication"WRT 442: Strategic Media Communication
Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.
Continue reading "WRT 442: Strategic Media Communication"EDC 593: Professional Learning Communities(PLCs) in Pre-K-12 Settings
This course is designed to support teachers and administrators in PreK-12 schools to develop and facilitate professional learning communities (PLCs) on a timely and relevant topic in education.
Continue reading "EDC 593: Professional Learning Communities(PLCs) in Pre-K-12 Settings"BIO 223: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory
Fundamental structure and function of organ systems of the human body explored through models, dissections, and experiments.
Continue reading "BIO 223: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory"