URI’s Peer Advocates Awarded 2011 Rainville Team Excellence Award.

The Team Excellence Award is one of the  A. Robert Rainville Leadership Awards given each year at University of Rhode Island. 

The Peer Advocates include Talent Development Students Alex Bio and Kristine Rarmirez.

URI’s Peer Advocates received the Team Excellence Award for their extensive training programs for members, educational outreach presentations and peer advocacy. The goal of the organization is to end sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, and dangerous drinking habits at URI and to provide support to victims. Peer Advocates not only deliver informational seminars, but also provide walk-in support and are involved in major on-campus events such as the Silent Witness March and Vagina Monologues.

Peer Advocates have attributed their experience to a greater sense of confidence and pride for being able to help other students and make a difference in their lives.

Read More about other 2011 Rainville Award Winners on URI Today…