Accessible Parking

Please note that neither the URI Transportation and Parking office, nor the Office of Human Resources Administration, nor the Office of Disability, Access, and Inclusion can allow or provide access to the public accessible parking spaces on campus. Only your state’s department/registry of motor vehicles can provide disability placards, which when paired with a URI parking permit or guest pass allow parking in accessible parking areas. If you have a disability placard, please contact our office to add it to your parking permit or guest pass. With a placard assigned to you and a valid URI permit or pass, you can park in any accessible parking space on campus. For additional information about state-issued Disability Placards, visit this website.

Qualified individuals with disabilities with specific parking needs that may not be met by access to public ADA-compliant parking spaces must engage in the interactive process by contacting one of the divisions below:

Employees: Office of Human Resources Administration.
Students: Office of Disability, Access, and Inclusion.

Temporary Parking Accommodations

Students requiring temporary parking accommodations due to an illness or injury should contact Disability, Access, and Inclusion for Students.

For further information on compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act at the University of Rhode Island, please click here.