Foster an Inclusive, People-Centered Culture

Our vision is to foster a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that prepares students for lifelong learning and success in a rapidly changing world.

Our mission is to provide high-quality services that promote academic, personal, and professional growth. We are committed to providing innovative and effective services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our students, while fostering a culture of engagement, collaboration, and excellence in all that we do.

Priority 1:

 Build a work and learning environment that prioritizes and values diversity, and centers identity, belonging, equity, inclusion, and accessibility


  1. Recruit and retain staff of color 
  2. Codify professional development processes and supports
  3. Create forum for knowledge sharing which facilitates adoption of best practices in marketing and recruitment for undergraduate, graduate, and professional staff vacancies
  4. Utilize HR funding available to recruit in diverse spaces and listservs
  5. Celebrate the work of the professional staff and students in UCAS

Priority 2:

Build a sense of community and mentorship among professional and undergraduate students and staff


  1. Pilot professional staff cross-functional mentorship program
  2. Develop JEDI team in collaboration with the work of the assistant dean of JEDI
  3. Offer student leadership opportunities within UCAS
  4. Create measurement tools for assessing college culture
  5.  Provide recognition for academic excellence via development of honors societies

Priority 3:

Provide advising, services, and programming for students of color in conjunction with JEDI efforts from around campus


  1. UCAS liaisons to affinity centers
  2.  Advising and supporting individual students and multicultural student organizations
  3. Support the development of the B.U.I.L.D. program