Kayon Murray-Johnson

  • Associate Professor
  • Adult Education
  • Phone: 401.874.4159
  • Email: k_murray@uri.edu
  • Office Location: Chafee Hall, 6th Floor


Kayon Murray-Johnson, Ph.D., is a scholar-practitioner whose expertise spans teaching, training and instructional design contexts within the broad field of adult learning and education. Her current scholarship examines challenges and best practices for critical dialogues on race, ethnicity and racism, for faculty development – and for inclusive, equity focused teaching. Dr. Murray-Johnson’s work in teaching and research have yielded key accolades, to include:

  • The Christine A Stanley Diversity and Inclusion Research Award (POD Network, 2019)
  • The University of Rhode Island’s Teaching Excellence Award (2021)
  • The Carlos J. Vellejos Memorial Award for Emerging Scholarship (Multicultural Education SIG – American Educational Research Association, 2023).

She remains passionate about working with individuals and groups who are invested in sustainable solutions to equity challenges in diverse learning contexts. To that end, she is often sought out to lead strategic discussions and workshops around equity focused teaching and leadership. Alongside her work as an educator of adults, she finds significant enjoyment in designing (anything new:), quality conversation, inspirational music, travel, and coining interesting phrases that make you go “hmmm.”


  • Adult Learning and Faculty Development
  • Critical Dialogues on Race, Ethnicity and Racism
  • Inclusive Teaching Approaches


  • Ph.D., Adult, Professional and Community Education, Texas State University, 2015
  • M.Ed., Multicultural Education, Eastern University, 2010
  • B.Ed., English Language Education, University of the West Indies, 2001
  • B.A., Business Management, Monroe College, 1999

Selected Publications

Menezes, S., Murray-Johnson, K., Smith, H.S., Trautmann, H. & Azizi, M. (2022). Making Science Communication inclusive: Challenges, choices and change mechanisms from an emerging movement. Journal of Science Communication. 

Dewsbury, B., Murray-Johnson, K., & Santucci, A (2021). Acknowledgement and its Role in Faculty Development of Inclusive Teaching. Journal of Faculty Development. 35(3), 53-62

Murray-Johnson, K., Munro, A & Popoola, R (2021). Immersive Deep Learning Online. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. 169, 35-49.

Hos, R., Murray-Johnson, K. & Correia, A. (2019). Cultivating capital for high school newcomers: A case of an urban newcomer classroom. Journal of Cultural and Ethnic Studies, 6 (1), 101-116.

Murray-Johnson, K (2019). (En) Gauging Self: Toward a practical framework for race talk. Adult Learning, 30 (1), 4-14.

Murray-Johnson, K. & Ross-Gordon, J (2018). Everything is about balance: Graduate faculty and the navigation of difficult discourses on race. Adult Education Quarterly, 68 (2), 137-156. 

Murray-Johnson, K. & Guerra, P. (2017). Ready for Change? Emotions and Resistance in Culturally Responsive Leadership. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, First Published Online, October 31, 2017

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