Welcome to the 4-H Fair season!
Summer brings special opportunities for you as a 4-H member in Rhode Island. Plan now to take part. It is a chance for you to show the public what you have raised, built, and learned in 4-H this year. Summer fairs are opportunities for 4-Hers to showcase knowledge learned, show mastery in project areas, meet friends, find a sense of belonging and learn about teamwork while showing the general public all the great work they have done this year.
Enter your Animal project:
If you are in an animal project, plan to enter one of the shows at the fairs. Show us how you have worked with your animal all year, trained it, groomed it and cared for it.
Enter in the Exhibit Halls:
You can enter your work with your club or by yourself. Theme Exhibits are groupings of items around a theme that members have made or grown. Topic exhibits teach the viewer of the exhibit all about one project. Single Item exhibits are items that you have made or grown! What can you enter? Baked goods, vegetables, clothing you made, crafts, art work, posters, photos, woodworking, a topic exhibit on the environment, on your club community service project, or on anything you have learned in 4-H.
Additional Opportunities!! All 4-H fairs have opportunities for 4-H members to be involved in the leadership of the fair. Many fairs have members demonstrating a project, giving a speech, sponsoring a fun or fund raising booth, leading games, or presenting talent. Many of the fairs also have special unique classes. Try bringing your bunny in the bunny race, doing the hay loading contest, obstacle courses, pinewood derby, pie eating and more.
Guidelines & Rules
Each fair uses the guidelines below for 4-H classes.
Please read before entering and use these class numbers on your entry forms!
Additional sites to help you prepare for classes in RI fairs and beyond.