Administration and Finance

Welcome to the University of Rhode Island’s Division of Administration and Finance!  This is an exciting time in our history, and we are ready to serve the University during this period of growth and change.

The division’s areas include facilities, enterprise risk management, financial operations and controller, strategic procurement, and public safety. The division also include financial strategy and planning and information technology services, which are both dual reports to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.

The Administration and Finance Team provides important services to students, faculty, staff, and an extended family of strategic educational, economic and environmental partners throughout the community. 

We welcome your feedback on the Division. Please send your question, comment and/or suggestion to Abby Benson, Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Parents and students

For questions about billing, financial aid, student loans, class selection, transcripts, and e-Campus, contact Enrollment Services. See also information about Tax Form 1098T (Tuition Statement).

Other departments of interest:

Faculty and staff


A strategic vision for the University of Rhode Island

Strategic Plan 2023-2033

Aerial photograph of Narragansett Bay