Chemistry, B.A., B.S.

The B.A in Chemistry is designed to provide you with flexibility in the breadth of courses taken across the University while also providing a firm foundation. The B.S. in Chemistry emphasizes training in chemistry, and is highly recommended if you plan to seek an M.S. or Ph.D. in chemistry. The B.S. is also is an […]

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Chinese, B.A.

The Bachelor of Arts in Chinese allows you to major, minor, or enroll in dual degree programs, like the International Business or Engineering Program (IBP or IEP); or combine with another major such as political science, English, economics, fashion merchandising, or journalism. URI also offers a Chinese Language Flagship Program, an honors program designed to […]

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Computer Science, B.A., B.S.

The B.A. in Computer Science is designed for students who prefer more space for interdisciplinary study with a double major or minor in another field while preserving a strong computer science background that is excellent preparation for a career in computing. The B.S. in Computer Science is recommended for students who want to pursue technically […]

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English, B.A.

Through a rich array of course offerings in literary, film, cultural studies and creative writing, students are rigorously trained in critical reading, thinking and writing skills, to ensure their preparation in a broad range of canonical and non-canonical texts. UCAS Advisors Faculty Advisors Curriculum Sheets BA: English BA: English- Creative Writing Track BA: English- Literature […]

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Film Media, B.A.

Offered by the Harrington School of Communication and Media, Film/Media is an interdisciplinary program offering hands-on experience in documentary, experimental, and new media production, balanced with an emphasis on international cinemas, film/media history, criticism and theory. Students learn to work with the evolving and overlapping technologies involved in the production of moving images, (including film, […]

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French, B.A.

The majority of French majors are double or triple majors and the majority finishes in four years. There are 47 different majors that have been combined with French at URI. The majority of French majors study abroad during their junior year and/or during a summer session. Advisors Curriculum Sheets Major Entry Requirements Complete 24 units […]

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Gender and Women’s Studies, B.A.

Gender and Women’s Studies uses feminist and interdisciplinary methods to teach, conduct research, and expand existing bodies of knowledge. Critical thinking, theory, and community and global responsibility are integral to these methods. GWS focuses on the interrelationship between the personal and political, supporting and promoting feminist teaching, learning, research, scholarship, creative activity, and professional and […]

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