Small Group Tutoring

Weekly tutoring groups help students work together throughout the semester, meeting once per week for 50 minutes (in-person or online) with the same small group of classmates and the same tutor. Occasional tutoring sessions are primarily available online for STEM & BUS courses. Occasional sessions do not repeat weekly.

Courses offered: Our weekly tutoring groups are primarily tailored for courses in Biology, Cell & Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Math, Physics, and Statistics. More courses are added as needed each semester.


  • Attendance will be taken by swiping in/out of each session. Students who accumulate more than two unexcused absences are subject to the loss of appointment privileges for the rest of the semester.
  • Students must arrive to sessions on time. Tutors will only wait for 15 minutes from the start of the appointment time. If 15 minutes has passed and the student has not arrived, it will count as a miss.
  • All students in the group should be taking the same course with the same instructor.
  • No graded exams or quizzes may be worked on during group times.
  • Students may cancel their own sessions up to 24 hours in advance through their main page on TracCloud. If a student needs to cancel a session within 24 hours of the start time, they must contact the AEC at 401-874-2367 or
  • Students are required to complete the Learning Agreements Form prior to their first tutoring session.
  • NCAA student-athletes who will miss a group meeting due to competition travel should bring a travel letter to the tutor the week before they will be missing a session.
  • Students are expected to attend class lectures regularly and bring any helpful course materials and/or content questions with them to tutoring.