Course Descriptions
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
(BUS) The Power of Business
(3 crs.) Nature, philosophy, objectives, and scope of the American business system. Emphasis on the interrelations of the functional areas. (Lec. 3) Not open to juniors and seniors in the College of Business. (A2) (GC)
(BUS) Introduction to Entrepreneurship
(3 crs.) This introductory course to provide students with broad knowledge of the skills and competencies that are essential to entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and other innovators in bridging the divide from 'idea' to 'business.' (Lec. 3)
(BUS) Business of Innovation: The Design Process
(3 crs.) In the context of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, students will learn practical skills that promote efficient and effective creative design, understand the creative design process and develop strategies through design thinking. (Lec. 3)
(BUS) Business of Innovation: Lean Startup
(3 crs.) Introduces the Lean Startup Scientific Method for developing and commercializing ideas for new ventures (entrepreneurship), and innovating new products, services or business models within existing companies (intrapreneurship). Introduces the challenges in entrepreneurship faced by marginalized populations, and the benefits of diverse founding teams. (Lec. 3) (C3)
(BAI) Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation
(3 crs.) This course explores processes followed and skills needed by individuals wishing to advance entrepreneurial/innovative approaches to the alleviation of complex social problems. (Lec. 3) (C1) (GC)
(BUS) Legal Environment of Business
(3 crs.) An introduction to the origins, framework, and concepts of the legal environment of business. Emphasis on the constitutional authority of government to regulate business, contracts, and their applications. (Lec. 3)
(BUS) Honors Section of INE (BUS) 315: Legal Environment of Business
(3 crs.) Honors Section of INE (BUS) 315: Legal Environment of Business. An introduction to the origins, framework, and concepts of the legal environment of business. Emphasis on the constitutional authority of government to regulate business, contracts, and their applications. (Lec. 3) Pre: Must have 3.40 or better overall GPA.
(BUS) Legal and Ethical Environment of Business II
(3 crs.) Operations of the U.S. system of jurisprudence and ethics as it affects the law of contracts, sales, debtor-creditor rights, and business organizations. (Lec. 3) Pre: INE (BUS) 315.
Intellectual Property and its Global Implications
(3 crs.) Examines the historical basis for protecting innovation, introduces the US intellectual property (IP) system as compared to other nations, and analyzes IP's role increasing both global economic competition and stratification. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: INE315 or permission of instructor. (A2) (C2)
(BUS) Business of Innovation: Social Design
(3 crs.) An experiential social entrepreneurship course where students will learn and apply theories of affordable product and service design to investigate and identify new social venture opportunities. (Lec. 3)
(BUS) Special Topics in Entrepreneurship & Innovation
(3 crs.) Selected topics of current interest in entrepreneurship and innovation. (Lec. 3) Pre: INE (BUS) 149 and ACC (BUS) 201, or permission of instructor. Course may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 9 credits.
Junior Career Passport Program
(1 cr.) Exploration of career options. Develop personal and professional goals, and personal job searching tools. (Online) S/U only.
(BUS) Entrepreneurship
(3 crs.) Procedures for starting one's own business including business plans, financial data analysis, legal issues, and assessing feasibility of business ideas. Also addresses evaluating career interests and skills in entrepreneurship. (Lec. 3) Pre: ACC (BUS) 201 or 201H and senior standing in the College of Business or permission of instructor; not open to students with credit in EEC 325.
Directed Study
(1-3 crs.) Independent study supervised by college faculty. Seminar meetings concerned with specific business topics. (Independent Study) Pre: must be a student in the College of Business with more than 75 credits and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Directed Study
(1-3 crs.) Independent study supervised by college faculty. Seminar meetings concerned with specific business topics. (Independent Study) Pre: must be a student in the College of Business with more than 75 credits and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Internship in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
(3 or 6 crs.) Approved, supervised work experience with participation in management and problem solving related to the student's major field. College of Business internships for 3 credits require approximately 120 hours of field experience and 20 hours of class work. Internships for 6 credits require approximately double this amount of work. May be offered online. (Practicum/Online) Pre: admission into internship program, and permission of instructor. Limited to 6 credits. Not for graduate credit. S/U only.
Directed Study in Business
(3 crs.) Advanced doctoral level work under the supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor.
Directed Study in Business
(3 crs.) Advanced doctoral level work under the supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor.
Doctoral Dissertation Research
(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) Pre: enrollment in Phase III of the Ph.D. program in business administration. S/U credit. May be repeated.