Course Descriptions


MKT 265

Marketing Principles

(3 crs.) An introduction to marketing from a managerial viewpoint. Examines social, economic, technological, legal, ethical, and other environmental factors and their impact on product, price, promotion, and distribution decisions in a worldwide market. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Open to students with 24 credits or permission of dean's office. Proficiency test available if course was taken at a non-AACSB program prior to transfer to the University.

MKT 366

(BUS) Consumer Behavior

(3 crs.) A review of the consumer decision-making process and factors that influence consumers, including ethical issues. Implications for cross-cultural marketing are examined. (Lec. 3/Online)

MKT 367

Marketing Research

(3 crs.) Describes the nature and scope of marketing research activities. Reviews research designs, sampling, measurement, analysis, and other issues with focus on providing marketing information to management. (Lec. 3) Pre: BAI210 or STA308, and MKT265 or MKT265H, and BAI211 or BAI311 (prior or concurrently).

MKT 390

Junior Career Passport Program

(1 cr.) Exploration of career options. Develop personal and professional goals, and personal job searching tools. (Online) S/U only.

MKT 450

Experimental Economics

(3 crs.) Cross-listed (EEC), ECN, MKT 450. This course provides an introduction to the methods and practice of experimental economics. Students will learn the fundamentals of how to design an experiment and important findings from experiments. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 310, ECN 328, MKT 366H, or MKT 367, or permission of instructor.

MKT 465

(BUS) Marketing Communications

(3 crs.) The 'communications mix' is explored in terms of a total promotional program. Characteristics of advertising media, sales promotion, public relations, and publicity are surveyed. (Lec. 3) Pre: MKT 265 (BUS 365) or 265H (365H), junior standing, or permission of instructor. Not for MBA graduate credit.

MKT 466

(BUS) Product Innovation and Strategy

(3 crs.) Development and management of new and existing products and services from a decision-making perspective. Emphasis on value creation through the development of innovative products and services. (Lec. 3) Pre: MKT 265 (BUS 365) or 265H (365H), junior standing, or permission of instructor. Not for MBA graduate credit.

MKT 467

(BUS) Customer Analytics

(3 crs.) Frameworks and quantitative approaches for implementing strategic customer relationship management, customer-based marketing metrics, essential database marketing tools, supplier/customer selection and targeting. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: MKT 265 (BUS 365) or 265H (365H), junior standing, or permission of instructor.

MKT 468

(BUS) Global Marketing

(3 crs.) Focus on understanding how cultural, political, economic, legal and other macro factors affect market strategies. Application of these factors in dealing with planning and organizing for global marketing operations. (Lec. 3) Pre: MKT 265 (BUS 365) or 265H (365H), junior standing, or permission of instructor. Not for MBA graduate credit.

MKT 469

Special Topics In Marketing

(3 crs.) Selected topics of current interest in marketing. (Lec. 3) Pre: MKT265 or MKT265H or by permission of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits with change of topic. Not for graduate credit.

MKT 470

(BUS) Strategic Marketing Management

(3 crs.) Summary course focusing on the variety decisions involved in marketing including developing and managing branded goods and services. (Seminar) Pre: MKT 265 (BUS 365 or 365H), and MKT 366 and 367, and either one 400-level MKT course or BAI 476. Not for graduate credit.

MKT 475

Digital Marketing: Analytics and Strategy

(3 crs.) Analyze ways marketers adapt their strategies in digital environments. Apply analytical skills, digital marketing tools, and tactics. Develop strategies for digital marketing that help meet broad marketing objectives. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: MKT265 or MKT265H or by permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

MKT 491

Directed Study

(1-3 crs.) Independent study supervised by college faculty. Seminar meetings concerned with specific business topics. (Independent Study) Pre: must be a student in the College of Business with more than 75 credits and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

MKT 492

Directed Study

(1-3 crs.) Independent study supervised by college faculty. Seminar meetings concerned with specific business topics. (Independent Study) Pre: must be a student in the College of Business with more than 75 credits and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

MKT 493

Internship in Marketing

(3 or 6 crs.) Approved, supervised work experience with participation in management and problem solving related to the student's major field. College of Business internships for 3 credits require approximately 120 hours of field experience and 20 hours of class work. Internships for 6 credits require approximately double this amount of work. May be offered online. (Practicum/Online) Pre: admission into internship program, and permission of instructor. Limited to 6 credits. Not for graduate credit. S/U only.

MKT 610

(BUS) Seminar In Marketing

(3 crs.) Preparation and presentation of papers on selected topics in marketing. (Seminar) Pre: MBA 505 or permission of instructor. May be repeated.

MKT 611

(BUS) Doctoral Research Seminar

(3 crs.) Provides a rigorous analysis of current research questions and research techniques used to address those questions in the marketing discipline. Recent developments and current issues addressed. (Seminar) Pre: enrollment in Phase II of the Ph.D. program in business administration. May be repeated.

MKT 691

Directed Study-Business

(3 crs.) Advanced doctoral level work under the supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor.

MKT 692

Directed Study-Business

(3 crs.) Advanced doctoral level work under the supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor.

MKT 699

Doctoral Dissertation Research

(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) Pre: enrollment in Phase III of the Ph.D. program in business administration. S/U credit. May be repeated.