Course Descriptions


MGT 104G

Tackling Grand Social and Ecological Challenges

(3 crs.) Introduces concepts, approaches, and skills (e.g. system thinking, social entrepreneurship, and negotiation) to tackle grand challenges. Students gain practice with projects defining intervention proposals to tackle a grand challenge locally. (Lec. 3) (A2) (C1) (GC)


(BUS) Honors Section: Tackling Grand Social and Ecological Challenges

(3 crs.) Honors Section. Introduces concepts, approaches, and skills (e.g. system thinking, social entrepreneurship, and negotiation) to tackle grand challenges. Students gain practice with projects defining intervention proposals to tackle a grand challenge locally. (Lec. 3) Pre: 3.40 or better overall GPA. (A2) (C1) (GC)

MGT 201

(BUS 340) Management Foundations: Building Better Businesses

(3 crs.) Management concepts, processes and practices with an emphasis on inclusion, agility and evidence based decision making: organizational behavior; individual differences and elements of diversity; interpersonal dynamics and communication; work design, motivation and outcomes; social justice and worker voice; structure (including business functions) and culture. (Lec. 3) (C3)

MGT 295

Management Introduction

(1 cr.) This introductory seminar provides students with the perspectives, problem-solving skills, and mentorship to develop their own program of study within the college of business. Required for General Management Majors. (Seminar)

MGT 317

(BUS) International Business Communications Exchange

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MGT (BUS) 317), COM 354. Examination of effective international business communication. Use of worldwide email network to exchange views on business topics with counterparts abroad. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: junior standing in a degree-granting college or permission of instructor.

MGT 341

(BUS) Organizational Behavior

(3 crs.) Introduction to organizational behavior; focus on individual, interpersonal, team and organization factor, and how these shape individuals behaviors at work. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: junior standing in a degree granting college or permission of instructor.

MGT 341H

(BUS) Honors Section of BUS 341: Organizational Behavior

(3 crs.) Honors Section of BUS 341:Organizational Behaviors. Introduction to organizational behavior; focus on individual, interpersonal, team and organization factor, and how these shape individuals behaviors at work. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Must have a 3.40 or better overall GPA or permission of instructor.

MGT 342

(BUS) Human Resources Management

(3 crs.) The role of management of human capital in the strategy of the organization. Introduction to employment practices in union and non-union organizations including: planning, staffing, training and development, performance management and compensation. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: junior standing in a degree granting college or permission of instructor

MGT 343

(BUS) Skills Development In Organizational Behavior

(3 crs.) Developing the managerial skills and competencies of leadership, motivation, conflict resolution, and interpersonal relations through dynamic cases, experiential exercises, and personal development sessions. (Lec. 3)

MGT 344

(BUS) Labor Problems

(3 crs.) Historical development of labor unions, changing composition of the labor force. Factors determining wage levels and employment in the firm and market. Analysis of mobility and occupational and regional wage differentials; the power of unions to raise wages; the role of investments in the human agent as a factor in economic growth. (Lec. 3) Pre: ECN 201 or EEC 105, or permission of instructor.

MGT 345

(BUS) Business in Society

(3 crs.) Examination of the contemporary social, political, cultural, legal and ethical forces that shape the business environment. Consideration of stakeholder relations and corporate social responsibility. (Online)

MGT 346

(BUS) Gender in Organizations

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MGT), GWS 346. This course examines intersection of work dynamics and gender that has become critical due to the rapidly changing landscape of business. Addresses the macro and micro effects of gender in the workplace, including the complex reasons for the lack of representation of women in senior leadership positions-within the United States and in the larger global context - 'gendered' communication at work, and career and work-life effectiveness for both women and men. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: MGT (BUS) 341 recommended.

MGT 390

Junior Career Passport Program

(1 cr.) Exploration of career options. Develop personal and professional goals, and personal job searching tools. (Online) S/U only.

MGT 441

(BUS) Leadership Skills Development

(3 crs.) Introduces the students to the tasks, strategies, and skills of effective leadership. Special emphasis will be on developing vision, dealing with change, ethics, values, and diversity. (Lec. 3) Pre: MGT (BUS) 341 or 341H or permission of instructor.

MGT 442

(BUS) Organization and Management Theory

(3 crs.) Analysis of complex organizational situations emphasizing managerial problems dealing with structure, coordination, control, and integration. Conceptual skills for organizational analysis, including model and systems approaches. (Lec. 3) Pre: MGT (BUS) 340 or permission of instructor.

MGT 443

(BUS) Organizational Design and Change

(3 crs.) Behavioral science applications to planning systematic organizational design, change and development using theory, concepts, technique, and cases for change agents and managers of change. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: MGT (BUS) 341 or 341H, or permission of instructor.

MGT 444

(BUS) Labor Relations

(3 crs.) Public interest in labor relations and problems involved in collective bargaining. Major adjustments of public and private management to changes in labor policy of federal and state governments, community, and labor unions. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: MGT (BUS) 342. Not for graduate credit.

MGT 445

(BUS) Strategic Management

(3 crs.) Case studies, simulation or company analysis used to study strategic theory and practice and problems of functional integration in domestic and global firms. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: ACC (BUS) 202 and FIN (BUS) 220 or 220H and MGT (BUS) 341 or 341H and SCA 255 (355) and MKT (BUS) 265 (365) or 265H (365H) and INE 315 or MGT 345, and senior standing in the College of Business, or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit. (D1)

MGT 445H

(BUS) Honors Section of BUS 445: Strategic Management.

(3 crs.) Honors Section of BUS 445: Strategic Management. Case studies, simulation or company analysis used to study strategic theory and practice and problems of functional integration in domestic and global firms. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Must have a 3.40 overall GPA and ACC (BUS) 202 and FIN (BUS) 220 or 220H and MGT (BUS) 341 or 341H and SCA 255 (355) and MKT (BUS) 265 (365) or 265H (365H) and INE 315 or MGT 345, and senior standing in the College of Business, or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit. (D1)

MGT 446

(BUS) Special Topics in Management

(3 crs.) Advanced study in topics of special interest to Management. This course will be conducted as a seminar for juniors and seniors. (Seminar) May be repeated once with different topic. Pre: MGT (BUS) 342 and senior standing or permission of instructor.

MGT 446H

Honors Section of MGT 446: Special Topics in Management

(3 crs.) Advanced study in topics of special interest to Management. This course will be conducted as a seminar for juniors and seniors. (Seminar) May be repeated once with different topic. Pre: 3.4 overall gpa and MGT (BUS) 342 and senior standing or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

MGT 447

(BUS) Compensation Administration

(3 crs.) Concepts, models, theories, and legislation related to the employee compensation process. Discussion and skill acquisition in job analysis, job evaluation, wage surveys, and performance appraisal. (Lec. 3) Pre: MGT (BUS) 341 or 341H or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

MGT 448

(BUS) International Dimensions of Business

(3 crs.) Introduction to complex, culturally diverse, digital business environments. Characteristics of successful 'transnational' corporations, along with international dimensions of business will be developed experientially. (Lec. 3) Not for M.B.A. credit.

MGT 450

(BUS) Small Business Management

(3 crs.) Application of theory and practice to the management and formation of the small business enterprise, use of current literature, cases and projects to enable students to understand and appreciate the operations of small businesses. (Lec. 3) Pre: senior standing in the College of Business, enrollment in COB Innovation and Entrepreneurship minor, enrollment in COE Entrepreneurship minor, or permission of instructor.

MGT 461

(BUS) Management Data Analysis and Communication

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MGT), LHR 461. Descriptive and predictive statistics for advanced Management students, with a focus on generating insights from data, effectively presenting results in a narrative, and taking evidence-based actions. Excel will be the primary software used. (Lec. 3) Pre: MGT (BUS) 342.

MGT 491

Directed Study

(1-3 crs.) Independent study supervised by college faculty. Seminar meetings concerned with specific business topics. (Independent Study) Pre: must be a student in the College of Business with more than 75 credits and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

MGT 492

Directed Study

(1-3 crs.) Independent study supervised by college faculty. Seminar meetings concerned with specific business topics. (Independent Study) Pre: must be a student in the College of Business with more than 75 credits and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

MGT 493

Internship in Management

(3 or 6 crs.) Approved, supervised work experience with participation in management and problem solving related to the student's major field. College of Business internships for 3 credits require approximately 120 hours of field experience and 20 hours of class work. Internships for 6 credits require approximately double this amount of work. May be offered online. (Practicum/Online) Pre: admission into internship program, and permission of instructor. Limited to 6 credits. Not for graduate credit. S/U only.

MGT 495

Management Capstone Seminar & Senior Project

(2 crs.) Students will complete a semester-long project, integrating their educational experience by solving an interdisciplinary management problem. This course is required of all Interdisciplinary Business Track majors. (Project 2) Pre: MGT 295 and senior standing; for majors only.

MGT 605

(BUS) Organizational Behavior

(3 crs.) Incorporates the insights gleaned from the disciplines of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and the social sciences of politics, economics, and history in the study of the behavior of organizations and of their principal actors. (Lec. 3) Pre: MBA 502 or permission of instructor.

MGT 606

(BUS) Advanced Organizational Theory and Behavior

(3 crs.) Previous knowledge of classical and traditional management thought used to provide concepts, analytical approaches, and skills for understanding how behavioral sciences influence complex organizational systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: MGT (BUS) 605.

MGT 607

(BUS) Doctoral Research Seminar

(3 crs.) Provides a rigorous analysis of current research questions and research techniques used to address those questions in the management discipline. Recent developments and current issues addressed. (Seminar) Pre: enrollment in Phase II of the Ph.D. program in business administration. May be repeated.

MGT 612

(BUS) Knowledge Systems In Managerial Disciplines

(3 crs.) Examination of knowledge production and dissemination systems in management disciplines. Discussion of various paradigms and philosophy of science perspectives. Metascientific and research program issues are examined. (Seminar) Pre: Ph.D. candidate.

MGT 691

Directed Study-Business

(3 crs.) Advanced doctoral level work under the supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor.

MGT 692

Directed Study-Business

(3 crs.) Advanced doctoral level work under the supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor.

MGT 699

Doctoral Dissertation Research

(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) Pre: enrollment in Phase III of the Ph.D. program in business administration. S/U credit. May be repeated.