Student Clubs and Organizations

At the College of Business, there are a variety of professional clubs and organizations you may participate in depending on your area of interest.

These groups offer an invaluable opportunity to meet your peers, hear from experts in the field, grow your network, and get career preparedness tips. The College of Business believes in advancing inclusion by cultivating community, enhancing equity, and demonstrating diversity. Our clubs and organizations are open to all students. We highly encourage you to get involved!  

You can learn about the clubs and their meeting schedules from flyers posted around Ballentine Hall, COB Instagram and the student newsletter. You can also directly contact any of the officers or advisors listed below.

Student Club event calendar

(CLUB RESOURCES are now located at the bottom of this page)

Expand your network, join a Student Club today! Choose from the list below.

  • Business Student Advisory Council - Providing a link among administration, faculty, and students, giving students a voice in the functioning of the College of Business.
  • Consulting Club - The Consulting Club is created with the objective of bringing together individuals who share a common interest in exploring Management Consulting (or Business Consulting) as a career choice. The club is led by a faculty mentor with prior experience in Boston Consulting Group. The club is created to help students get more clarity on Management […]
  • Delta Sigma Pi - The world’s leading professional fraternity for men and women.
  • Fashion Merchandising Society - The Fashion Merchandising Society creates a community among students who have an interest in fashion. The group discusses current issues in the fashion industry, investigates fashion internships and study abroad opportunities, and explores the importance of communication through dress. Student contact: Ava Aymie and Kendall Leuven, Co-presidents Faculty advisor: Elaine Grullon The College of Business […]
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club - At the University of Rhode Island’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship Club (IEC), we are fostering a hub of creativity and innovation. Collaborating actively with other collegiate clubs, the vibrant URI community, and Rhode Island’s bustling business scene, we aim to nurture the next generation of entrepreneurial & innovative leaders.  Join us to:  Leverage Unique Opportunities: Engage […]
  • Ram Fund - The Ram Fund is the URI student-managed investment fund. An equity portfolio made possible with a $100,000 initial investment by the URI Alumni Association, the Ram Fund gives students the opportunity to engage in real-life portfolio management, to function as research analysts specializing in industries, and to obtain long-term competitive rates of return for investors. […]
  • Textile Honor Society - Dedicated to upholding the highest level of academic excellence, integrity and philanthropy.


General Information:

Club Event Forms:

Marketing Items: