ITR Policies and Guidelines

An opportunity is considered an internship when it provides students with intentional learning objectives that are structured into the experience and the student is supervised by a professional in the organization with related background in the field.

Internships promote a student’s academic, career, and/or personal development as well as industry related and soft skill development. Elements of an internship include learning objectives, observation, reflection, and evaluation.

Internships can be paid or unpaid.

Internships are expected to begin the first week of classes and may not begin later than the end of the permission number add period (see URI Academic calendar).

Information for Employers

Internship Guidelines

Internships must be approved by the team of Career Education Specialists.

  • IMPORTANT: Internship must provide the student with a quality learning experience. This could include, but is not limited to projects, direct work with clients, observations (but cannot be exclusively observational), participation in events and meetings, research, trainings, and other professional development opportunities.
  • It is understood that administrative work (e.g. filing, data entry) is a regular part of the workplace. However, administrative tasks should be no more than 30% of the internship responsibilities.
  • Internships may be in-person or remote; In-person internships must be in a safe working environment
  • Experiences may be paid or unpaid; Quality volunteer experiences may also be accepted.
  • Pre-internship training can count towards ITR hours.

Internship Supervisor Guidelines:

Internship supervisor must meet the following guidelines:

  • Must be a professional employed by the internship organization
  • Must have expertise in the intern’s responsibilities or provides access to that expertise (e.g. via education and/or a mentor)
  • They do not need to meet a specific degree requirements or number of years in the field
  • Supervisor cannot be a family member or significant other

Supervisor Requirements

Internship supervisor must agree to the following:

  • Complete 3 online forms emailed to them: Internship Description Form, Midterm Evaluation, Final Evaluation
  • Regular meetings with the intern (preferred: weekly). Meeting may be in-person, phone, or video chat.
  • In the event of an extended absence, the supervisor will provide a back-up supervisor for the intern


Information for Students

Repeating ITR for multiple internship experiences

Students can complete up to 24 credits of ITR throughout their time at URI to use towards graduation. However, the max amount of ITR credit that can be taken in one semester is 15.

In order to complete ITR another semester, the internship experiences must differ in some capacity. This could include:

  • an internship at a different organization
  • an internship at the same organization, but in a different department; or in the same department with different or additional responsibilities

The only way a student may return to the same internship and still earn academic credit is if some or all of the work differs from the previous semester.

When enrolling in ITR for a second time and beyond, students only enroll and receive ITR 302 credit (pass/fail credit). The Brightspace seminar course, ITR 304, is not repeated.

Using a current part-time or full-time
position for ITR credit:

All students are strongly encouraged to find an internship within their career field of interest. Ideally, this will be a new opportunity to add to a resume, networking contacts, and gain a greater learning experience.

However, this may not be possible for students that work full time or are responsible for financially supporting themselves and/or others. In this case, students may be eligible to use a new or existing full time or part time job for internship credit. To be eligible, the below criteria must be met and the position must be approved by a CES, just like any other internship.

  • The position must already be an academic credit worthy learning or work experience
  • You must be supervised by a professional in the organization
  • Your supervisor must be amenable to completing the 3 required internship forms: Internship Description Form, Midterm Evaluation, Final Evaluation
  • Strongly encouraged: If the position is not new to you, you should have an additional project, task, opportunity or learning experience added to your regular/existing responsibilities.

If you have an internship lined up and you aren’t sure if it would qualify for our ITR program, either reach out to your CES or ask your supervisor to complete the Internship Description Form for your CES to review.


Multiple Internships in the same semester

A student may not participate in two different internships in the same semester for ITR credit. Students are also discouraged from participating in two different internships in the same semester for two different sets of credit, due to the difficulties of managing both internships and the significant drop in ability to succeed as evidenced by years of past students. The only way a student may participate in two internships in the same semester through ITR:

  • The supervisor is the same individual for both internships (e.g. the supervisor is a clinical therapist in both a hospital setting and in private practice – the student may gain experience in both settings)
  • The agency/organization is the same, but the supervisors differ (e.g. a student interns within two different departments of the same agency, (e.g. a student interning in a high school in the Guidance department and in a classroom in the same high school)
  • Supervisors will need to coordinate with each other to designate one superior as point person for the course instructor to communicate with

Internship Date Requirements

Students are required to intern within the designated internship timeframe with the following flexibility:

  • Students who would like to begin their internship early, may begin accruing internship hours two weeks prior to the designated time frame. Alternatively, students can extend their internship hours to meet the requirement up to by 2 weeks/through grade submission
  • Although discouraged, students are eligible to end their internship two weeks prior to the designated end date if:
    • All internship hours are complete
    • The internship supervisor approves of the end date
    • The student continues to participate in the internship seminar, completing all required coursework, through the end of the semester
  • Students interested in pursuing formalized internship programs whose dates do not match ITR Internship Program dates should meet with their CES to determine if reasonable accommodations can be made.
  • It is the mutual decision of the student and the agency/organization if the student chooses to remain at the internship after required ITR internship hours have been completed.

Internship Hours

Students must complete all required internship hours. Missed hours due to sickness, emergency, or poor weather conditions must be made up by any of the following methods, as mutually agreed upon by the internship site:

  • Adding an additional day/days of internship through the week to make up missed hours
  • Increasing weekly hours to account for the missed time
  • Complete missed hours during URI Finals Week
  • during URI’s Spring Break (for spring semester students only)

Spring semester students interning in a school system with extensive breaks (February vacation, April vacation), must make up those missed weeks by using any of the methods above.

If the agency/organization is closed for a national holiday on a scheduled internship day (e.g. Independence Day, Thanksgiving), the student does NOT need to make up that time.

Students who do not complete all required internship hours by the designated end date will either:

  • Earn an Incomplete until the hours are finished
  • Earn a lesser amount of field credits, based on the number of hours completed.

What majors are not eligible for the ITR Internship Program?

Majors that do not have free electives available and cannot (typically) participate in ITR include the following:

Business: All students in the College of Business should contact their Experiential Education Coordinator
Kinesiology: Experiential learning experiences are built into the curriculum
Nursing: Experiential learning experiences are built into the curriculum
Pharmacy: Experiential learning opportunities are built into the curriculum
Education: All students should speak with their faculty advisor prior to considering ITR credit
Engineering: All students should speak with their faculty advisor prior to considering ITR credit
Textile, Merchandising & Design: All students should speak with their faculty advisor prior to considering ITR credit
Textile Marketing: All students should speak with their faculty advisor prior to considering ITR credit

If you’re a student in one of the above majors, this module and the ITR Internship Program is not ideal for you. Connect with your Faculty Advisor for more information about internship for academic credit through your major/program.

International Internships:

Students completing international internships – internships with agencies outside the United States – are not eligible for the ITR Internship Program. However, students may pursue internship credit through the URI Office of International Education.


Paying for ITR Internship Credit

Students pay traditional tuition rates during the Fall and Spring semesters, just like any other courses taken at URI. Full time students (12-19 credits) pay a flat tuition based on regional status. Part time students (1-11 credits) pay per credit. Just like any other semester, students cannot exceed the university maximum of 19 credits. For an outline of URI tuition, please see the Tuition and Fees section of the Enrollment Services website.

In the Summer semester, students pay per credit tuition for all URI courses, including ITR. However, as a benefit the cost of tuition for summer ITR credit is in-state tuition for all students, regardless of your home state or the state of your internship. Summer in-state tuition is listed on the URI Summer Sessions website.

The ITR Internship Program provides academic credit for an internship experience, and differs from students completing an internship for experience only in multiple ways. The program provides students with support during their internship experience from their course instructor, their Career Education Specialist (if they are different from one another) and their peers completing an internship. Staff members also assist students with their internship search, ensure experiences are quality learning opportunities and are safe experiences for the student, regularly communicate with internship supervisors, navigate student issues, and serve as a mediator between organizations and student interns. Through this experience, students receive career education through the class lessons and activities, thoughtful feedback on their assignments, mentoring and coaching as they navigate the professional environment, and a support and advocate should they need it.



ITR Policies


The ITR Internship Program does not accept internships where the student is interning for their family’s own business. Also, any internship where the student’s family member or significant other ranks above the student or the student’s supervisor will not be accepted, as this presents a conflict of interest.

However, you may intern at a large organization where a family member or significant other works, if the family member works in a separate department and does not rank above the student’s supervisor (e.g. you intern in the marketing department, while your family member works in quality control).

A family member includes: parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles, cousins. A significant other includes: partner, wife/husband, fiance, girlfriend/boyfriend.