Biological and Environmental Sciences

Environmental and Earth Sciences


Geophysical assessment in a coastal environment

Remote sensing and mapping

Members of the remote sensing and mapping research group utilize terrestrial and satellite remote sensing, geophysical techniques, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and modeling to analyze natural resources and environmental systems.

What we do
A researcher gathering rock samples in a desert environment


Understanding the processes that form igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock and the plate tectonic forcing functions is essential to a better understand of the Earth system.  Studies in the geosciences include research into water resources, seismology, paleoenvironments, subduction environments, sea level changes, and climate change.

What we do
Researchers gathering data in a lush green swamp environment

Life / Earth interaction

The interaction between the solid Earth and Life is essential to unraveling questions related to mass extinctions, evolution, the origins of life, and climate change.  Our faculty are interested in diverse research areas from paleontology, biogeochemistry, sea level change, and climatic forcing.

What we do
Water quality researcher in a pond next to a canoe

Water, hydrogeology and soils

Research covers a range of topics related to water, water quality, and the environments surrounding water. Research areas include: environmental hydrogeology, aquatic geochemistry, water resources, interaction with the subsurface, soil science, effects of land use change, water quality, restoration, land management, water treatment, estuaries, river flow regimes and watersheds.

What we do

EVES Specialization Group Coordinator, Associate Professor



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