Biological and Environmental Sciences
The Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (SAFS) graduate specialization takes a systems-based, interdisciplinary approach to the biological and environmental sciences as applied to agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries, nutrition, and food safety. Our diverse group of faculty, with contributors from both the natural and social sciences, use a broad array of approaches to help achieve economically and ecologically sustainable production, management, consumption, and utilization of plants and animals for the development of healthy communities.
Areas of research include animal science, aquaculture, aquatic pathology, ecological anthropology, ethnobiology, entomology, fisheries, nutrition and food sciences, plant sciences, resource economics and policy, and integrated agriculture and food systems. SAFS benefits from the outstanding extension and outreach programs of the Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station, Rhode Island Sea Grant, and the Coastal Resources Center. We have established solid relationships with stakeholders (industry, local, state, and federal government, non-governmental organizations), and actively disseminate our research to stakeholders both locally and globally to facilitate the sustainable growth of the industry.
Prospective students
A strong advisor-student relationship is central to the SAFS program. Prospective students should contact faculty directly to explore mutual interests before applying. Program flexibility encourages our students to work across traditional departmental boundaries and often seek interdisciplinary collaborations.
SAFS Specialization Group Coordinator
Sustainable Agriculture/Food Systems
SAFS Specialization Group Coordinator, Professor
Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Sciences