The In-House Payroll is paid by the University of Rhode Island and includes student hourly, graduate assistants, and the internal payroll, or temporary employees that are not students. The Payroll Accounting Office distributes payroll charges to the appropriate URI accounts and maintains effort certification reports.
Fellowships and Stipends
Who Can Help Me?
In-House Payroll Office
11 Carlotti Admin Bldg
75 Lower College Road
Phone: 401.874.5520
Fax: 401.874.5206
Assistant Controller for Payroll | Barbara Ghigliotty | | 401.874.5415 |
Assistant Manager – Internal Payroll | vacant | 401.874.2365 | |
Supervisor, Payroll Accounting | Susan Ryan | | 401.874.4139 |
Pre-Audit Clerk, In-House Payroll | Mary Strawderman | | 401.874.5520 |
Pre-Audit Clerk, Payroll Accounting | Kathy Tellier | | 401.874.9070 |