
We live in an increasingly data-driven world and Statistics, the science to extract knowledge from data, is a leading discipline. Given its supporting role to other sciences, studying statistics has never been as important (and exciting!) as in present times. The Statistics section within CSS at URI is a growing group of scholars, teachers, and students committed in the advancement of quantitative reasoning, curious about exploring new areas of research, and aware of the importance of multidisciplinary collaborative work.

Faculty research interests include biostatistics, Bayesian methods, network analysis, econometrics, spatial and time series modeling, and project evaluation. Applications range from biology to pharmacy, from ecology to oceanography, from networks to finance. Offering a wide array of graduate and undergraduate courses, collaboration and consulting to the majority of Departments at URI, we are a well integrated, respected and sought after resource across campus.

The statistics track of our Ph.D. program equips students with knowledge and skills that can help them thrive in the areas of statistics and its intersections, preparing them for careers in academia and industry. We provide our students with rigorous training in theoretical and applied statistics, active involvement in research projects, engagement in the local academic community, and connections to professional networks.

Major areas of departmental research include Bayesian inference, big data analysis, biostatistics, high dimensional inference, missing data analysis, network data analysis, nonparametric statistics, precision medicine, spatio-temporal data analysis, and time series analysis.

Students who enroll in our Master of Science in Statistics program have the opportunity to choose a personalized program of study, typically oriented to the completion of a thesis work that can complement their learning experience. The MS program is a great choice for getting prepared for a professional career (our graduates find employment in banking, pharmacy, environment, education, consulting…) or continuing their studies in a Ph.D. program.

Ph.D. Degree

Ph.D. in Computer and Statistical Sciences – Statistics track

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Statistics program prepares students for research, teaching, or leadership roles in academic and industry careers.

Master’s Degree

Master of Science in Statistics

Graduate program that provides exposure to problem formulation, solution techniques, and written and verbal presentation of results giving our students an advantage in the job market.


Minor in Statistics

A minor designed to complement with data analysis skills and statistical foundations any major in other disciplines.


Department Graduate Admissions Information

How to Apply for Graduate Study at URI