Joan Peckham


Real-time systems, distributed systems, real-time data distribution, real-time sensor networks, real-time middleware, quality of service, real-time databases, semantic concurrency control, object-oriented programming.
Behavourial Model of Pedestrian Dynamics
URI Advance Project
Intelligent Transportation Systems


1985 Ph.D. University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut
Computer Science
1976 M.S. University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut
1970 B.S. SUNY at Albany   Albany, New York Mathematics

Teaching Appointments

1990 – 2021 Professor University of Rhode Island
Department of Computer Science and Statistics
Kingston, Rhode Island
1978 – 1979 Instructor Michigan State University
Department of Mathematics
East Lansing, Michigan

Other Experience

2014 – 2020 Coordinator Big Data Initiatives and Data Science Programs University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
2011 – 2017 Chair, Computer Science and Statistics University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
2008- 2011 Program Manager National Science Foundation
1998 – 2004 Associate Editor Journal of Database Management


2005 Outstanding Research Recognition, URI Outreach
1998 Excellent research paper, Anbar Citation
1988 – 1989 T. L. Booth Teaching Award, UCONN
1985 – 1987 IBM Teaching Fellowship
  Phi Kappa Phi
  Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Computer Science Honor Society
  Pi Mu Epsilon, National Honorary Mathematics Fraternity
1970 Magna Cum Laude SUNY Albany


Selected Publications

  • Peckham, J., and Geyer A. J., Big Data for Generals … and Everyone Else over 40, Chapter 3, Making Big Data Models Work Right, Editors Ellis, D. C. and Grzegorzewski, M., The JSOU Press, November 2021. Article
  • Obafemi-Ajayi, T., Perkins, A., Nanduri, B. et al. No-boundary thinking: a viable solution to ethical data-driven AI in precision medicine. AI Ethics (2021). Article
  • Lloyd, Scott, Peckham, Joan, Li, Jian, Yang, Qing (Ken). “Simultaneous Database Backup Using TCP/IP and a Specialized Network Interface Card”. Advanced Topics in Database Research. 2005.
  • Peckham, Joan, Aguirre, Benigno E., Thomas, Natacha, Hervé, Jean-Yves, et. al.. “A Pattern for the Integration of Conceptual Models in Support of Multidisciplinary Efforts to Develop Software”. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering.
  • Lloyd, Scott, Li, Jian, Yang, Qing (Ken), Peckham, Joan. “RORIB: An Economic and Efficient Solution for Real-Time Online Remote Information Backup”. Journal of Database Management. Jul – Sept, 2003.
  • Lloyd, Scott, Peckham, Joan. “On Extracting the Semantics of the Iterator Pattern for Use in a Case Tool”.International Resources Management Association Conference and Proceedings. May, 2002.
  • Peckham, Joan, DiPippo, Lisa, Hervé, Jean-Yves, and Hunter. “Moving Smart In Rhode Island”. Annual Northeast Decision Sciences Meeting and Proceedings. March, 2002.
  • Peckham, Joan. “The Application of Conceptual Data Modeling Techniques to the Development of Design Software”. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design. June, 2000.
  • DiPippo, Lisa, Peckham, Joan. “A First Course in Computer Science: The Discipline is More than Programming”.
    The Journal of Computing in Small Colleges. May, 2000.
  • Peckham, Joan, and MacKellar. “Multiple Perspectives of Design Objects”. Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence in Design. July, 1998.
  • Peckham, MacKellar, and Doherty. “A Data Model for the Extensible Support of Explicit Relationships in Design Systems”. VLDB Journal. April, 1995.
  • Doherty, Peckham, MacKellar, and Fay-Wolfe. “Implementing Relationships and Constraints in an Object-Oriented Database Using a Monitor Construct”. Proceedings First International Conference on Rules in Database Systems. August, 1993.
  • Peckham and Maryanski. “Semantic Data Models”. Computing Surveys. September, 1988.

Other Activities

  1. New Educational Initiatives: Led an interdisciplinary Big Data Collaborative at URI. HPC and Research Computing Core Facility, new data science programs (BA, BS, and minor), cluster hire ten new faculty members across seven colleges. Led the CEMS (Collaborative for Explorations in Mathematics and Science) at URI, a precursor to the new URI Office of Teaching and Learning.
  2. No-Boundary Thinking: Collaborated with multiple partners from the Northeast EPSCoR states to formulate no-boundary thinking for research and education. Developed a new model for the conduct of research that includes effective means of solving problems that do not fall within one disciplinary “silo” and require multiple perspectives and expertise. Created a graduate no-boundary class for students from multiple disciplines.
  3. Computational Thinking: Promoted computational thinking while at NSF. Inter-agency activities such as Co-Chair, NITRD SEW EducationTeam; PO for L. Conery, C. Stephenson, D. Barr, V. Barr, J. Harrison, J. James, and C. Sykora. Computational Thinking Teacher Resources. Technical report, CSTA and ISTE, 2011; and J. Udell. Computational Thinking for Everyone - an Interview with J. Peckham, 2009.
  4. Collaborations with Diverse Groups (scholarly and culturally) for Research & Education: Engineering and Social Science partners to develop transportation and evacuation solutions/simulations. For example: Using Real-Time Traffic Data to Improve Traffic Flow, NEUTC (New England University Transportation Center, MIT), and NSF - Behavioral Model of Pedestrian Dynamics Under Emergency and non-Emergency Scenarios using Cellular Automata. Diversity, faculty and students: NSF ADVANCE (2004 - 2008)- Institutional transformation to increase and retain the numbers of women in STEM tenure track positions - Co-PI, and NSF REU Site, PI, 3-D graphics and Art - Research experience for undergraduates.