URI/RIC Joint Ph.D. in Education

The Joint Ph.D. program with Rhode Island College is no longer accepting applications and will officially close when current students graduate. Prospective students interested in a doctoral degree in education can learn about the new URI Ph.D. program in Education which will begin in fall 2024.

Course Descriptions

EDP 600

Academic Reading & Writing for Doctoral Studies

(3 crs.) Students develop and practice academic reading, writing, and thinking skills involved in professional practices of educational research and publishing communities. Course emphasizes scholarly identity and writing cogent literature reviews. (Lec. 2, Sem. 1) Pre: admission to the URI/RIC Joint Ph. D. program in education.

EDP 601

First Year ProSeminar for Ph.D. in Education

(2 crs.) Students are introduced to educational research paradigms and related areas of program faculty expertise. Course focuses on engaging in academic conversations and multiple ways to address research problems in education. (Sem. 2) Pre: Current enrollment in the PhD program in education; or permission of instructor. S/U only.

EDP 609

Critical Paradigms and Justice in Education

(3 crs.) This course provides an overview of critical perspectives in educational research and implications for social justice. Students develop an understanding of how education scholars apply critical theories across educational contexts. (Lec. , Seminar /Online) Pre: Admission to the Education Ph.D. Program or by permission of instructor.

EDP 610

Contemporary Issues in Educational Inquiry

(3 crs.) Exploring current trends and methodologies in educational research across various domains including technology, policy, and diversity in education. Engagement with primary sources is emphasized. (Seminar) Pre: current enrollment in the PhD in Education program.

EDP 611

Issues and Problems in Educational Inquiry

(3 crs.) This course examines relationships between educational theories of knowledge, learning, development, and participation across a wide and diverse range of perspectives, scholars, and epistemologies. (Seminar/Online)

EDP 612

Qualitative Research Methods in Education

(3 crs.) Survey of qualitative methods of educational research: terminology, historical development, assumptions, and models of inquiry. Pre: Current enrollment in the Ph.D. Program in education; or permission of instructor.

EDP 613

Introduction to Quantitative Research

(3 crs.) Educational research data are collected, quantitatively analyzed and interpreted. Applications of the general linear model to a variety of research designs and analytic strategies are emphasized. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Admission to Education PhD or permission of instructor.

EDP 620

Contemporary Issues in Hum Dev, Learning & Teaching

(3 crs.) Issues and problems related to human development, curriculum, teaching, and learning are examined. Ways of gathering and evaluating evidence about school and curriculum effectiveness are emphasized. (Seminar) Pre: EDP 600, 601 or permission of instructor.

EDP 621

Issues in Human Development, Learning, & Teaching

(3 crs.) Issues and problems related to human development, curriculum, teaching, and learning are examined. Ways of gathering and evaluating evidence about school and curriculum effectiveness are emphasized. (Seminar)

EDP 622

Societal Perspectives of Education

(3 crs.) Application of theory to the intersection of community service, academic instruction, civic responsibility, reflectivity, social justice, and advocacy. (Seminar 3) Pre: Prior or concurrent enrollment in EDP 600 and 601, or permission of instructor.

EDP 623

Research Design

(3 crs.) Research design process including developing problem statements, research questions, hypotheses and appropriate methods (i.e., qualitative, quantitative, or mixed). Course considers philosophical worldviews, literature reviews, theory use, and research ethics. (Lec. 3) Pre: EDP 600, 601, 612, and EDC 555 (or comparable course in introductory statistics); or permission of instructor.

EDP 630

Issues in Educational Leadership Policy and Analysis I

(3 crs.) Issues and problems related to applications of organizational theory, leadership theory, and policy analysis are studied. Core seminar examines cases related to district, state, and/or regional educational offices and agencies. (Seminar) Pre: Credit or concurrent enrollment in EDP 600, 601, or permission of instructor.

EDP 631

Issues in Educational Leadership Policy and Analysis II

(3 crs.) Issues and problems related to applications of organizational theory, leadership theory, and policy analysis are studied. Core seminar examines cases related to district, state, and/or regional educational offices and agencies. (Seminar) Pre: Prior or concurrent enrollment in EDP 600, 601, or permission of instructor.

EDP 641

Doctoral Dissertation Research Seminar

(1 cr.) Bi-weekly forums present first-, second-, and third-year students' evolving research questions and empirical designs. Discussion and feedback refine individuals' research plan, enhancing the methodological perspectives and tools of all participants. (Seminar) Pre: admission to joint (URI-RIC) Ph.D. in Education. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semesters (a total of 6 credits).

EDP 660

Critical and Sociocultural Lenses on Language and Education

(3 crs.) This discussion-based seminar is designed to engage students in deep exploration of issues related to language and learning from critical and sociocultural perspectives. (Seminar)

EDP 692

Directed Readings and Research Problems

(3-6 crs.) Directed readings and advanced research work under the supervision of a member of the graduate faculty, arranged to suit the individual requirements of the students. (Independent Study) May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Pre: EDP 600 and 601 and permission of instructor; or permission of co-directors of PhD program in education and instructor.

EDP 693

Directed Readings and Research Problems

(3-6 crs.) Directed readings and advanced research work under the supervision of a member of the Graduate Faculty, arranged to suit the individual requirements of the students. (Independent Study) May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Pre: EDP 600 and 601 and permission of instructor; or permission of co-directors of PhD program in education and instructor.

EDP 699

Doctoral Dissertation Research

(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U only.