Not many college students secure a job in their field more than two years before they graduate. Thanks to a prestigious scholarship from the U.S. Department of Defense, University of Rhode Island rising junior Griffin Melican has a job waiting for him when he graduates in 2023.
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Intern Uses Technology to Collaborate on URI Project from Puerto Rico
If there’s a positive outcome from remote learning during the last year, it’s that students and professors have become adept at collaborating on projects while apart. Adriana Muñoz-Soto is completing a yearlong internship with URI Assistant Professor Brennan Phillips while attending school in Puerto Rico.
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New sensors developed by URI Professor Otto Gregory and chemical engineering doctoral student Peter Ricci are so powerful that they can detect threats at the molecular level, whether it’s explosive materials, particles from a potentially deadly virus or illegal drugs entering the country.
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By having fiber optics woven into fishing line, URI engineering professor Brennan Phillips created the smallest deep-sea system in the world that can provide a livestream video feed. The fiber optic reel system will make deep-sea exploration much more affordable and accessible.
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Through a prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award, Joseph Goodwill, URI assistant professor of environmental engineering, is researching a water treatment method that could be especially useful for small, rural communities.
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By combining new synthetic aperture radar images, field observations from a marine geology underwater survey, and aerial photographs taken by drones, a more accurate model has been created of the Anak Krakatau volcano before and after it collapsed.
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You could say engineering is in Michaela Bellisle’s genes. After all, her grandfather was an electrical engineer, her father is a civil engineer and her sister is a biomedical engineer.
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Elizabeth Taylor, an ocean engineering major and business minor, has been awarded the Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
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The University of Rhode Island announced the establishment of the Raymond M. Wright Fast Track Master’s Engineering Endowment. The $2.5 million gift comes from anonymous donors to honor College of Engineering Dean Raymond M. Wright, who plans to retire at the end of the academic year.
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URI mechanical engineering student Raymond Turrisi has earned a Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, the most prestigious national scholarship for undergraduate students studying the natural sciences, mathematics or engineering.
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For students who wish to pursue a career in sustainable energy, the University of Rhode Island’s Energy Fellows Program provides paid experiential learning opportunities. Six of the 14 energy fellows this year are engineering students.
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Social distancing and the pandemic forced seniors in the College of Engineering’s capstone design program to overcome obstacles in order to collaborate with each other and communicate with their professors.
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The findings from an ocean engineering senior capstone design project on the Fox Point Hurricane Barrier in Providence was the subject of a segment on Rhode Island PBS.
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Losing electricity was a daily event in Jesse Duroha’s home in Lagos, Nigeria. That was part of his motivation for pursuing a doctorate in industrial and systems engineering with a focus on solar energy systems at URI.
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The most common path to earning an engineering degree from the University of Rhode Island is to enroll in one of the engineering programs straight out of high school, but it’s certainly not the only path.
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Faith Leonard, an ocean engineering student at URI, had a valuable hands-on internship this winter in which she participated in a channel deepening and beach replenishment project.
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Civil engineering alumnus Louis Barone took a trip down memory lane as he walked through The Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering for the first time, thanks to URI senior Natalie Wilcox.
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Puerto Rico has been decimated by hurricanes and earthquakes in recent years. Alesandra Morales-Vélez, who earned a doctorate in civil engineering from URI in 2014, is helping Puerto Rico’s infrastructure become more resilient by teaching engineering students about sustainable practices.
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Niko Tracksdorf, an assistant professor of German and associate director of the German International Engineering Program, earned the Nelson Brooks Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Culture.
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Danielle Goudreau, who earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil engineering from URI, spoke about how she found a cool niche to specialize in and her experience as a woman in civil engineering on The Civil Engineering Podcast.
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Jimmy Li, an alumnus of URI’s electrical engineering and Chinese International Engineering Program, installs signal systems on submarines during the week and is a signal corps officer for the Rhode Island Army Guard on the weekends.
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By embedding nanosensors in the fibers of a bandage, URI Assistant Professor Daniel Roxbury and former URI graduate student Mohammad Moein Safaee have created a “smart bandage” to detect and monitor an infection in a wound.
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How does someone go from dropping out of high school to becoming a CEO of a successful company? Learn how URI helped Brian begin a journey that would result in him running a most unique company in Arkansas.
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Meghan Quinn joined the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a geotechnical engineer almost a decade ago in search of new, challenging research opportunities, and that’s exactly what she found.
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A proprietary new technology for quickly removing and destroying hazardous chemical compounds from soil and groundwater is being tested by Thomas Boving, URI professor of civil engineering and geosciences.
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