Faculty Senate

Pastore Hall Room 224, 51 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

lbourbonnais@uri.edu-401-874-5176jlawrence@uri.edu - 401-874-2616

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal


what is kuali curriculum management?

Kuali Curriculum Management helps institutions build and maintain a permanent, canonical record of all versions of its programs, courses, and other types of learning experiences (e.g. service-learning projects, apprenticeships, competency-based learning, and prior learning assessments).  Kuali is now the only way to propose new courses at URI.  

Many common Kuali and curriculum-related questions are answered on the FAQ page 

If you need assistance beyond what is available on this page please contact the Faculty Senate office at –> uri_curriculum@etal.uri.edu


how do i find kuali curriculum management at uri?

Kuali is part of URI’s Office365 and uses single sign-on. Start by navigating to office.com and select or search for the Kuali app.  Select the Kuali Course Management app to open the Kuali platform in a new tab. 


course proposals 

Use for all new courses and changes to courses including face-to-face, hybrid, online, general education, open-ended topics, temporary courses (X-courses), and temporary courses to permanent courses. Honors Courses must follow a preliminary procedure prior to being proposed in the system. See the “Propose an Honors Course” section on the Honors Program website for more information. 


Course proposals help pages

Kuali: Propose a New Course

Kuali: Change an Existing Course


program pre-proposals 

[LINK to Kuali training page coming soon]


reviewers and approvers


Reviewers and approvers help pages

Kuali: Reviewers and Approvers

Kuali: Library Impact Statement

Kuali: Committee Agendas


program proposals 

Use for all new programs (degrees, majors, minors and certificates) and changes to existing programs. 

Please note that only existing courses, approved for scheduling, may be listed in program proposals, and only program proposals with existing courses approved for scheduling will be presented to the Faculty Senate. 


Program proposals help pages

Kuali: Propose a New Program

Kuali: Propose a Program Change


program specialization proposals

Use for specializations (e.g., tracks, emphasis, options) within existing programs, Accelerated Bachelors to Masters (ABM) programs, and any changes to specializations and ABMs. 


Program specialization help pages

Kuali: New Specialization



program closures and organizational unit of change proposals

Proposals for Program Closure or Organizational Unit of Change Form are not yet captured in the CM system. Contact uri_curriculum@uri.edu to request and submit the necessary form. 




Use for program closure. Any existing program that would require review by the Board of Trustees should be reviewed by the BOT Academic Affairs and Research Committee. 




Use for organizational changes to traditional academic units (departments, divisions, schools, and colleges) and changes to nontraditional academic units that are created to implement combinations of academic, research, outreach, and/or service activities that cannot ordinarily be accommodated within existing departmental (nontraditional academic units are typically called centers, agencies, institutes or outreach centers).


Many common Kuali and curriculum-related questions are answered on the FAQ page 

Didn’t find what you need? Please contact the Faculty Senate office at –> uri_curriculum@etal.uri.edu

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Think Big, We Do.
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