Assessment Rubrics

The following links contain the rubrics for the twelve SLOs and the Grand Challenge course proposal template.  Rubrics contain all the information needed to address student learning outcomes in the design of a course, as well as in the assessment process. 

  1. A1: STEM Disciplines Rubric
  2. A2: Social and Behavioral Sciences Rubric
  3. A3: Humanities Disciplines Rubrics
  4. A4: Arts and Design Rubric
  5. B1: Write Effectively Rubric
  6. B2: Communicate Effectively Rubric
  7. B3: Mathematical, Statistical and Computational Literacy Rubric
  8. B4: Information Literacy Rubric
  9. C1: Civic Knowledge and Responsibilities Rubric
  10. C2: Global Responsibilities Rubric
  11. C3: Diversity and Inclusion Rubric
  12. D1: Integrate and Apply
  13. Grand Challenge Template