GSO Welcomes New Grad Students

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The Graduate School of Oceanography welcomes its newest graduate students as a new academic year begins. The students were formally welcomed by the new Dean of GSO, Dr. Bruce Corliss, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. David C. Smith. The new students joined faculty and returning students at Mosby Center for refreshments, then headed to the beach to enjoy the traditional boat burning.

Pictured, front row, left to right, with undergraduate school and GSO major professor indicated:

Erin Markam (URI, working with Prof. Rainer Lohmann)
Sarah Fuller (St. Lawrence Univ. working with Prof. Steve Carey)
Kellen Rosburg (Western Washington Univ. working with Prof. Kathy Donohue)
Carrie McDonough (MIT, with Prof. Rainer Lohmann)
Jiahang Li (U. of Science and Technology of China, with Prof. Yang Shen)
Matthew Gusto (U. South Maine, with Prof. David C. Smith)

Back row
Sarah Blackstock (DePaul University, with Prof. Jeremy Collie)
Ann Lovely (Bates College, with Prof. Brice Loose)
Dayna Rignanese (URI, with Prof. David C. Smith)
Samantha DeCuollo (URI, with Prof. Susanne Menden-Deuer)
Kathleen Turner (UNH, with Prof. Art Spivack)

not pictured:
Kelly Canesi (UMASS Boston, with Prof. Tatiana Rynearson)
Jen Cragan (URI, with Prof. Rainer Lohmann)
Chris Piecuch (URI, with Prof. Kathy Donohue)