URI scientists: Marine plants can flee to avoid predators

There’s something about the relationship between predators and prey that generates enthusiasm in the media.  Associate Professor Susanne Menden-Deuer’s discovery, with oceanography graduate student Liz Harvey, of a marine plant that actively flees from predators proved to be a big hit. It was reported by MSNBC, Yahoo News, Canadian Broadcasting, Scientific American, WRNI Radio, National […]

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Less Life on Earth

Scientists at the Graduate School of Oceanography made a surprising discovery recently — there is far less life on Earth than previously assumed. By their calculations, the total biomass of microbes living deep in the seafloor is only about 4 billion tons instead of the 300 billion tons previously estimated, reducing the total biomass of […]

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New oceanography dean

The announcement that former Duke University oceanographer Bruce Corliss would be the next dean of the Graduate School of Oceanography was met with great enthusiasm.  The news was reported by the Providence Business News, Providence Journal, and WRNI radio, and an Associated Press news brief on the appointment appeared in the New London Day, New England Cable […]

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