Jongsun Kim

  • Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Physical Oceanography
  • Email:
  • Office Location: Rm 125 Watkins


I am a coastal system modeler who interested in physical and biogeochemical interaction in the coastal water ecosystem.

As a RI C-AIM (Rhode Island Consortium for Coastal Ecology, Assessment, Innovation, and Modeling) Postdoctoral fellow, I am working for 1) modeling the lower trophic level ecosystem of Narragansett Bay including running and improving our existing coupled ecological/biogeochemical/circulation model (COSiNE/NB-ROMS) 2) coupling that model with our higher trophic level models, and 3) analyzing the results of those numerical experiments, especially in comparison with the significant observational database of Narragansett Bay.


  • Water quality in coastal ocean, data-driven statistical modeling, Hypoxia
  • Lower tropical level to high tropical level model, CoSiNE, ROMS model
  • Upwelling region and mid-water ecology
  • Wastewater, Nutrient, Fisheries product managements
  • Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling and Nitrous oxide (N2O), Methane (CH4) emissions from the Soil Microbiomes (e.g., Methanotroph, Methanogenesis etc.)


Ph.D. Oceanography, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
M.S. Earth & Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, KOREA
B.S. Ocean Sciences, Jeju National University, KOREA