Sports Media and Communication B.A.

Course Descriptions

SMC 220

Sports Media

(3 crs.) Focuses on fundamental skills and knowledge to produce sports media reporting for traditional print, multi-media; includes principles of journalism, standards of reporting, story structure, style rules, and grammar. (Lec. 3) Pre: COM 100, and declared major or minor in Sports Media and Communication.

SMC 303

Sport, Culture, and Media

(3 crs.) Examines cultural assumptions about sport and the historical significance of sports culture and media; surveys American sport history and applies historical and critical methodologies in the analysis of sports. (Lec. 3) Pre: COM 203, declared majors and minors in Sports Media and Communication, and minimum of 45 credits in degree granting college.

SMC 477

Internship in Sports Media and Communication

(1-6 crs.) Provides the student with direct supervised participation in a variety of communication situations and occupations. May be repeated; maximum of 6 credits allowed toward graduation. (Practicum) Pre: 60 credits, 2.50 GPA; junior standing in a degree-granting college and permission of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Not for graduate credit. S/U grades only.

COM 100

Communication Fundamentals

(3 crs.) Integrates basic theory and experience in a variety of communication contexts including public speaking, small groups, and interpersonal communication. Examines human differences in order to develop more effective communication skills. Not open to students with credit in 110. (Lec. 3) (B2) (C1)

COM 203

Introduction to Sport Media & Communication

(3 crs.) This course provides an overview of the use of media and communication in sport. It covers a survey of perspectives and addresses the changing 24/7 landscape of media and communication. (Lec. 3) Pre: COM 100 or PRS 100 or permission of the instructor.

COM 204

Introduction to Sports Broadcasting

(3 crs.) The study & practice of sports broadcasting with emphasis on producing sports feature reports, play-by-play & analyst production for television and radio, production of sports radio talk shows, and anchoring television sportscasts. (Lec. 3) Pre: COM 100, and declared major or minor in Sports Media and Communication.

PRS 360

Strategic Sport Communication & Media

(3 crs.) This course introduces effective communication and public relations strategies and techniques within an organizational and professional context for sports. Students will explore various communication careers in sports as well as develop skills in print, online, broadcast and social media for sports. (Lec. 3) Pre: PRS 100 or COM 100, and COM 203 or SMC 220, or permission of instructor.

COM 385

Crossover: Sports Communication Research

(3 crs.) This class will introduce sports analytics research methods and investigate how human communication affects individual performance, team success, and profits. (Online) Pre: COM 100, or COM 202 or COM 221, majors and minors in the Sports Media and Communication (SMC) program, and junior standing in a degree-granting college or permission of instructor. Recommended: COM 381. (B3) (B2)

COM 410

Advanced Topics in Communication Studies

(3 crs.) Advanced study of selected topics. Subject will vary according to the expertise and availability of instructors. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: COM 100 and any 300-level COM course and junior standing in a degree-granting college or permission of instructor. May be repeated for a total of 9 credits with different topics. Not for graduate credit.

FLM 495

Seminar in Film Media

(4 crs.) An intensive, interdisciplinary capstone course; exploring writings and ideas about film across two or more fields of study; or examining cross-cultural themes and issues in world cinema. Topic to be announced. (Seminar) Pre: FLM 101 and 203 or ENG 302 or permission of instructor.

JOR 411

Senior Portfolio

(1 cr.) Structured opportunity to select, review and reflect on examples of work for a portfolio. Formal presentations of portfolio to faculty required. (Portfolio) Pre: journalism major and senior standing and concurrent enrollment in JOR 410. Not for graduate credit.

PRS 490

Practicum in Public Relations

(3 crs.) Supervised field and PR production lab experience. Entails substantial field and client-based activities in the collaborative drafting, design and production of public relations projects. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 6 credits. (Prac.) Pre: Permission of the instructor. Not for graduate credit. S/U credit only.


Contact Us

Davis Hall Rm 204
10 Lippitt Rd
Kingston, RI 02881