Hollie Johnson ’24

Hollie Johnson is in their senior year at URI and is working towards completing the Honors Program as a CCJ & Psychology major. A Portsmouth, RI native, Hollie is also the Vice Captain of the URI Quidditch team, a member of the Anime club and serves as the Event Planning lead with the Honors Student Ambassadors.

Most recently, Hollie has started working with the Honors team as a student employee in our office. Learn how their Honors classes have helped Hollie feel like they were a greater part of the community during the pandemic, and what they hope to bring to Honors in their new role.

Where are you from and why did you decide to come to URI?

I am from Portsmouth, RI. Originally I decided to come to URI since it was close to home, which is something I wanted while COVID was happening. 

As a freshman, what’s something you wish you knew about life at URI that you know now? (aka — some words of advice to our new arrivals!)

Do not wait until the last minute to do work- in the long run it makes you way more stressed than you have to be! 

What’s something you love about the Honors Program? Tell us about a favorite memory.

One of my favorite memories was taking Honors classes during COVID- I took three in my first year and I loved how everyone participated and worked together to make it feel as if we were actually in class and not on Zoom.

What are activities and/or clubs that you enjoy being involved with at URI?  How do you spend your free-time?

I am in the Anime Club at URI and am also Vice Captain of the URI Quidditch Team (and yes, we really do play Quidditch!) In my free time I love to curl up with my piles of blankets and a good book.

Note: Hollie is also an Honors Program Student Ambassador and leads our event planning team!

Now that you’re working with us in the Honors Office, what’s something you’re excited to bring to the program?

I’m excited to create more of a connection between the Honors students and the faculty, as well as creating more of a community within the Honors Program.

In ten years, where do you think we’ll find you? (Don’t worry — we won’t hold you to it!)

It’s hard to imagine ten years from now, but I hope to become a school psychologist, and also have at least one cat. Maybe two. 

How can other students connect with you?

If they would like they can visit the Honors office Tuesday and Thursday this spring between 9 and 1, or they could email me at hollie_johnson@uri.edu