
How to Apply to URI’s Master of Science in Kinesiology Program

All applications are online and applicants should visit the Graduate School to start the application process. NOTE: NO GRE required!

Applications are considered on a rolling‐basis based on URI deadlines, but applications for graduate assistantships are due April 1 for the next academic year appointment. July 15 is the deadline for fall admission. Applicants must be admitted in order to apply for a graduate teaching assistantship of which there a limited number and there is a competitive application process.


  1. Bachelors degree in Kinesiology or a related field. For those with or without this degree, undergraduate coursework required depends on track and these are evaluated on an individual basis. Typically, a 3.0 GPA is required for admission. Recommended courses taken or background based on specialization:
    • Exercise Science: Anatomy & physiology 1 & 2, chemistry, exercise physiology w/lab, biomechanics or functional anatomy, exercise testing & prescription, and statistics.
    • Psychosocial‐Behavioral: Coursework in Kinesiology, Psychology, Public Health, or other related fields with coursework in psychology and behavior along with an exercise physiology course with laboratory.
  2. Letters of recommendation. These should be from people who can attest to the applicant’s ability to be successful in a rigorous graduate program. Professors who have had the applicant in upper division undergraduate courses or higher are preferred. For applicants who have not been in an undergraduate program for a considerable time (e.g. many years), letters could be from a professional in the field who has earned an advanced degree and who can comment on the applicant’s academic potential at the graduate level.
  3. Personal Statement. The online system will require an applicant statement but it is not specific regarding the content. We suggest that the applicant include information on
    1. what has led the applicant to the decision to choose a masters degree in Kinesiology ‐ especially at URI,
    2. what the applicant plans to do while he/she is here (e.g. Identify the professor with whom the applicant would like to work, as an M.S. at URI requires a research project and each professor has different interests), and
    3. what the applicant envisions himself/herself doing with the degree. It is suggested that the statement be limited to about 750 words. The personal statement is important so the applicant should give it significant thought, effort, and editing. The graduate committee looks strongly at this statement to ensure that each applicant would be a good match for the program.
  4. Transcripts from ALL colleges/universities attended.