Leetal Young

  • Peer Leader
  • Phone: Majors: Human Development & Family Science and Psychology | Minor: Leadership Studies
  • Office Location: Hometown: Wyckoff, NJ


Expected Graduation: May 2025

Top 5 Talent Strengths (Gallup): Activator | Strategic | Developer | Communication | Restorative

Top 5 Character Strengths (VIA): Honesty | Kindness | Leadership | Gratitude | Hope

Why should someone new to URI attend Leadership Institute? What is your favorite part of Leadership Institute?

New students should attend Leadership Institute because it is truly a transformative experience that will bring out the innate leadership potential in any student. It’s such a dynamic environment and an awesome way to connect with others. In just a few days, you will create memories and nurture leadership skills that last a lifetime while learning about diverse opportunities here at URI and exploring inclusivity.