
To enhance the mission of the University of Rhode Island, the Center for Student Leadership Development aims to:
- provide developmental opportunities for all students to become informed, inclusive, effective, and ethical leaders in the global marketplace through the implementation of learner-centered academic, experiential, and co-curricular programming.
- engage in research, assessment, and advancement in order to positively impact the expanding field of leadership studies.
The URI Center for Student Leadership Development will promote dynamic Strengths-based leadership development through multiple delivery methods to prepare students to be competitive in the workplace and global marketplace. The CSLD seeks to progress as innovators for experiential engagement and enriching assessment.
Grounded in the Social Change Model of Leadership Development (Higher Education Research Institute), Relational Leadership Model (Komives, Lucas & McMahon), and Servant Leadership (Greenleaf), the URI Center for Student Leadership Development values:
- engaged and experiential learning through a constructivist approach
- inclusion, social justice and civic engagement
- ethical and value-based leadership and relationship building
- innovative assessment and presentation models
Leadership Studies Advisory Committee
In 1996, the members of LSAC worked to submit the original proposal for URI’s minor in Leadership Studies to Faculty Senate. Current LSAC members – a group of faculty, staff and URI administrators – continue to provide oversight and support regarding the academic needs of our interdisciplinary minor in Leadership Studies.
- Dr. Katie Branch, Human Development and Family Science
- Dr. Lori Ciccomascolo, Division of Student Affairs
- Dr. Geoff Leatham, Harrington School of Communication and Media
Campus and Community Partners
The CSLD maintains strong relationships with a variety of URI affiliated academic and Student Affairs departments in addition to local and national organizations. Examples include: