Master of Arts in Marine Affairs


Candidates for the M.A. in Marine Affairs take 18 required course credits (six courses). Additionally, a minimum of 21 credits (seven courses) is earned in elective courses. This program of study enables a student to specialize in a given area and still receive the multidisciplinary influence of the M.A.M.A. program. A six-credit master’s thesis of an inter-disciplinary nature (or major project, depending on student track) completes the program of study.

The “core” of the M.A.M.A graduate program consists of the following six courses:
MAF 583 – Quantitative Methods in Marine Affairs
MAF 502 – Research Methods in Marine Affairs
MAF 511 – Marine Science and Ocean Uses
MAF 577 – International Ocean Law
MAF 651 – Marine Affairs Seminar
EEC/MAF 514 – Economics of Marine Resources

The successful completion of the M.A.M.A degree within two years requires the student to complete a minimum of 39 credits in that period. If you are on an assistantship you should consult with your adviser to determine a realistic course schedule given your other responsibilities.

Program of Study

Each student must complete a program of study form by the beginning of the second semester in the program. The program of study, prepared by the student with his or her major professor, provides a listing of required courses and the elective courses which the student will take to complete the program. The program of study is signed by the student, by his or her major professor, by the appropriate program coordinator in the Department of Marine Affairs, and by the Dean of the Graduate School. Changes in the program of study may be done with the approval of the major professor, department chair, and Dean of the Graduate School.

When it comes time to certify the student for receipt of degree, the Graduate School will determine if the contracted and approved program of study has been fulfilled.