Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – The Administration

2.10.10 Channel of Authority. The normal channel of authority from the URI Board of Trustees to the faculty, administration and staff of the University shall be through the President. All faculty members and administrative and other officers shall be responsible, through appropriate channels, to the President and only through the President to the URI Board of Trustees. #21-22-6  #January 27, 2022 Informational Report

2.11.10 Administrative Officers and Staff. The primary officers of administration shall be the President of the University, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Administration and Finance, the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Vice President for Community, Equity, and Diversity.  Administrative Report September 2015

2.12.10 The Administrative Staff of the University shall comprise all full-time employees who are neither in the state classified service nor members of the faculty. This does not include those persons whose appointments are “for one year only” or “to complete current year only.”

2.13.10 Succession. During periods when the President is unavailable or incapacitated, and in the absence of specific action to the contrary by the URI Board of Trustees, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall discharge presidential responsibilities as necessary. #January 27, 2022 Informational Report

2.13.11 In the event that the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs also shall be unable to act, the Vice President for Administration and Finance shall do so. In further sequence, the responsibilities shall be assumed as follows: the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, and the Vice President for Student Affairs. Administrative Report September 2015

2.13.12 The policy in this section (2.13.10 – 2.13.12) shall relate to functioning only and in no instance shall the title “Acting President” be used except by specific authorization of the URI Board of Trustees.  #January 27, 2022 Informational Report

2.14.10 Appointment of Administrative Officers. Whenever an administrative officer position becomes vacant, there will be a search conducted by the department or division, in compliance with the Affirmative Action Hiring Procedures. The department or division head shall appoint a search committee. This committee shall be comprised of five to seven members of the academic community. Search committees for academic administrative positions and Vice Presidents shall include two faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Search committees shall be appointed following University Affirmative Action guidelines. Committee membership may be enlarged when wider representation of interest is desirable. The appointment of the President is regulated by the Education Act of 1981. (see Appendix A section 1.6) #05-06–34   #24-25-06

2.14.20 Appointment of Vice Provosts, Associate and Assistant Vice Presidents, and Assistant and Associate Deans. Whenever one of these positions becomes vacant, there will be an Affirmative Action Search conducted by the administrative unit in compliance with Affirmative Action hiring procedures.  Administrative Report September 2015

2.14.21 Under most circumstances, internal searches will be conducted. External searches may be conducted when the available pool is not sufficiently diverse or when a concerted effort is made to increase the number of underrepresented groups in these positions.

2.14.22 The search committee shall be comprised of at least five members who are representative of the unit or of the faculty of the College. Each search committee shall also include appropriate staff and student representation. The search committee shall be appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President or Dean of the College in consultation with the Director of Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Diversity.

2.14.23 The search process must be open with at least a two week posting period for internal searches and a reasonable and appropriate length of time for external searches.

2.14.24 The search committee shall assemble a suitable list of candidates from the applicant pool, screen the candidates by reviewing their qualifications and make recommendations regarding the candidates to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President or Dean.

2.14.25 Appointment shall be made by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President or Dean from a list of candidates recommended by the search committee.

2.15.10 The President shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the University as provided in the rules and regulations of the URI Board of Trustees.  #January 27, 2022 Informational Report

2.20.10 The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall serve as the Chief Academic Officer of the University with overall supervision for the teaching and research missions of the University and of the faculty. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall serve as a member of the President’s Senior Leadership Team. In addition, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall (2.20.11 – 2.20.20):

2.20.11 Have primary responsibility for academic planning, budget development and management, as well as promotion and tenure procedures for faculty members. Assess, modify or otherwise improve the University’s existing academic personnel incentive system.

2.20.12 Recommend long-range goals in academic areas, especially in research and curriculum, to ensure that the University is fulfilling its academic mission while continually adjusting to new intellectual currents in higher education.

2.20.13 Act as Chief Executive Officer in the absence of the President.

2.20.14 Act on behalf of the University in those matters not specifically designated to the vice presidents.

2.20.15 Provide management and leadership in a coordinated program of teaching, research, and grants development.

2.20.16 Act as chairperson of the Council of Deans. (Deans’ Council, see 5.12.10 – 5.12.11)

2.20.17 Work in conjunction with the Vice President for Student Affairs to ensure continuity between the faculty and student experience.

2.20.18 Respond to faculty needs for appeals beyond the Deans’ level and to faculty needs for clarity in the intellectual mission of the University.

2.20.19 Be the authorizing agent for official travel by faculty as set forth in 10.30.11 and for the expenditure of funds for academic units.

2.20.20 Provide oversight of the Honors Program (see 8.60.10 – 8.65.13 for description of program; and 4.33 of Faculty Senate By-Laws for duties). Administrative Report September 2015, #18-19-32

2.20.21 In carrying out these responsibilities, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall be assisted by the following (2.21.10 – 2.35.10):

2.21.10 The Vice Provost for Academic Finances and Academic Personnel shall be responsible for assisting with issues related to academic finances and resource allocation, personnel, strategic data and unit performance analyses, and linking budget process with strategic planning. The Vice Provost shall also be responsible for the Office of Institutional Research (see 3.44.10). Administrative Report September 2015

2.22.10 The Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Initiatives shall serve as a liaison between the University of Rhode Island faculty and the Office of the Provost, ensuring the faculty perspective is reflected in analyses and policies considered by the administration. These include academic matters between the Provost’s Office and the faculty broadly and the Faculty Senate more specifically, such as general education, program and curriculum development, faculty development, assessment, and academic regulations and policies. The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs also oversees the University’s global education strategies, programs, and partnerships, including recruitment of and support for international students, and support for faculty who engage in global education and research. The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, along with the other Vice Provosts, shares responsibility for advancing diversity and equity by promoting a community spirit, a climate of respect and fairness, and curricular transformation that reflects multicultural perspectives. Administrative Report September 2015, #21-22-6

2.22.11 The Vice Provost shall serve as the primary representative of the Office of the Provost in the absence of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

2.22.12 In carrying out these responsibilities, the Vice Provost shall be assisted by the following (2.22.20 – 2.22.40):

2.22.20 The Director of the Office for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning who shall be responsible for providing leadership, support and vision for the advancement of teaching and learning with special emphasis on faculty development, curricular enhancement, and pedagogical advancements related to learning outcomes and assessment, online pedagogy, and teaching with technology.

2.22.21 In carrying out the responsibilities outlined above, the Director shall be assisted by an Assistant Director of Student Learning, Outcomes Assessment and Accreditation, two Assistant Directors of Online Education, and two Assistant Directors of Faculty Development.

2.22.30 The Special Assistant to the Provost for Global Strategies and Academic Partnerships, who leads the strategic planning, development, implementation, and monitoring of global education and partnership programs; identifies opportunities for global partnerships in collaboration with colleges; coordinates with Admissions and the Graduate School on international recruitment strategies; and assists faculty in developing international partnerships and networks. The Special Assistant also serves as liaison for partnerships with English language and pathway programs and the Fulbright Program.

2.22.40 The Director of the Office of International Education and National Student Exchange, who oversees the immigration process and compliance with the Department of Homeland Security; provides advice and training to assist with campus internationalization goals; oversees global exchange programs, faculty led international programs, and the English Language Studies (ELS) program; coordinates with Enrollment Services on the advancement of globalization through policy and processes; and coordinates with the Office of Legal Counsel on memoranda of understanding for global partnerships and exchanges. Administrative Report September 2015

2.23.10 The Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success shall provide leadership, support, information and analysis in the areas of student recruitment, financial aid and scholarships, and persistence toward graduation as part of an effort to integrate enrollment planning, student success, and shall report to and receive recommendations from the Faculty Senate and the community on a biannual basis. Administrative Report September 2015  Administrative Report January 2017

2.23.11 In carrying out these responsibilities, the Vice Provost shall be assisted by the following (2.23.20 – 2.23.40):  #18-19-34

2.23.20 The Dean of Admissions shall plan and develop enrollment goals and management policies related to recruitment, admission, enrollment, and retention of undergraduate students; shall manage the staff and administer the budgets of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions; shall prepare and evaluate plans and statistical reports on admissions, enrollment and retention; and shall serve as the spokesperson for the University in these matters.

2.23.30 The Director of Enrollment Services shall provide overall vision and leadership for the Office of Enrollment Services; assure appropriate coordination of processes within the Office and establish short- and long-range plans for the integration and delivery of enrollment services, and establish budgetary priorities and advocate for the office in the budget process.

2.23.31 The Director shall manage and be responsible for the collection and deposit of all University receipts, including student fees, grant and contract revenues, student aid revenues and miscellaneous income.

2.23.32 The Director shall manage all aspects of registration, student academic records, and faculty services functions.

2.23.33 The Director of Enrollment Services shall administer federal, state, institutional, and private programs of student financial assistance in the areas of loans, grants, and scholarships.

2.23.34 In carrying out the responsibilities outlined above, the Director of Enrollment Services shall be assisted by Senior Associate Directors.

2.23.40 The Assistant Director of Summer Session and Winter J-Term shall collaborate with department and program chairs to facilitate summer and winter course offerings, including directed and independent studies, to meet the needs of students. The Assistant Director shall manage the Summer Session budget. #18-19-34

2.24.10 The Chief Information Officer (formerly Vice Provost for Information Technology Services) shall be responsible for planning, coordination, and leadership for the University’s academic and administrative information resources including, but not limited to, all units of the Office of Information Technology Services. Responsibilities include oversight of Media and Technology Services and the University Computing Systems, including budget development, personnel management, and supporting the University’s work with its academic and community partners. (see 3.43.10 – 3.43.11)  Administrative Report September 2015

2.24.11 In carrying out these responsibilities, the Chief Information Officer shall be assisted by the following:

2.24.20 The Director of Media and Technology Services shall oversee customer-facing support and end-user services to students, faculty and staff for major administrative and academic computing systems and applications.

2.24.30 The Director of University Computing Systems shall oversee support of the University’s major computing systems and services intrinsic to running a comprehensive and robust university network.

2.24.40 The Associate Director for URI Information Security shall oversee protection of the University’s information resources from both internal and external threats through application of security best practices to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the University’s information resources.  Administrative Report September 2015

2.25.10 The Dean of University Libraries shall be responsible for planning, coordination and leadership for the University’s Libraries (see 3.42.10 – 3.42.11).

2.26.10 Dean of the Alan Shawn Feinstein College of Education and Professional Studies shall provide executive leadership and coordination for all programs and facilities associated with the Alan Shawn Feinstein College of Education and Professional Studies and the University’s urban programs and initiatives, and serve as the principal advocate for advancing the University’s role as a federally designated Urban Grant University. (see also 3.40.10 – 3.40.14)

2.27.10 The Dean of the Graduate School shall be responsible for the University’s graduate education programs. Administering and enforcing the regulations pertaining to the conduct of graduate work and the granting of graduate degrees, administering the executive office of the Graduate School, coordinating the development and design of new programs, and serving as an advocate for graduate studies. The Dean shall be responsible for promoting diversity in the University’s graduate education and provide a compelling voice for the University’s graduate studies to both internal and external constituencies. (see 3.30.10-16) #21-22-6

2.30.10 The Deans of the Colleges (see 3.20.10 – 3.20.11 for duties)

2.32.10 The Dean of the Graduate School of Oceanography (see 3.31.11 for duties)

2.35.10 The Dean of the University College for Academic Success #2013-14-12B (see 3.21.21 – 3.21.23 for duties)

2.39.10 The Ombuds – Sections 2.39.10 through 2.39.20 moved to Chapter 5 #Administrative Report 2022-2023-4

2.40.10 The Vice President for Administration and Finance shall be responsible for the financial, personnel, labor, construction, security and safety activities of the University and for all matters concerning its development, operation, property, and plant.  The Vice President shall serve as a member of the President’s Senior Leadership Team.  Administrative Report September 2015

2.40.11 In carrying out these responsibilities the Vice President shall be assisted by the following (2.41.10-2.49.10):

2.41.10 The Assistant Vice President for Business Services shall be responsible for administering and directing the business and support service functions for the University’s campuses, and shall be responsible for the following (2.41.11 – 2.41.15):

2.41.11 The Director of Facilities Services shall be in charge of maintenance and repair, cleaning and upkeep of campus facilities, grounds, major systems and automobile fleet, and shall oversee the heating plant, all capital projects and the development and construction of new and existing facilities, and shall supervise the University Stores operations which includes warehouse, supply office, custodial, automotive and trade shop supplies.

2.41.13 The Director of Public Safety shall be responsible for matters of physical security and the administration of University Police and Security; Parking and Transportation Services; Environmental Health and Safety, including occupational health, industrial hygiene, hazardous materials, chemical, radiological and biological safety; Fire and Life Safety, including inspection, code compliance and alarm services; Emergency Management and Homeland Security; communication systems, and administrative fiscal, clerical support and technical services. Administrative Report September 2015

2.41.14 The Director of Purchasing shall procure the goods and services needed for the operations of the University.

2.41.15 The Director of Properties shall supervise the property department, as well as central receiving, postal and printing services.

2.41.16 The Director of Capital Projects shall be responsible for overseeing the development of all new buildings and other capital projects in conjunction with the University Campus Master Plan.

2.41.17 The Director of Campus Planning and Design shall be responsible for planning and design of campus physical improvements, new construction and renovation projects of buildings, utilities and landscape, space planning and maintenance of University’s aesthetic and functional objectives, including longevity, sustainability, functionality and architectural appropriateness. Administrative Report September 2015

2.42.10 The Assistant Vice President for Human Resources  shall be responsible for the development and improvement of employment at the University and shall direct change in the reporting systems of employee records, as well as be in charge of maintaining the collective bargaining agreements between the URI Board of Trustees and the Unions representing University employees.  #January 27, 2022 Informational Report

2.42.11 The Director of Personnel Services shall be responsible for all aspects of the personnel services functions for University employees, including recruitment and placement, personnel records administration, benefits, classification, and employee relations.

2.44.10 The Director of Budget and Financial Planning shall be responsible for preparing the University budget for presentation to the URI Board of Trustees and the State of Rhode Island, for developing in-house allocations to all cost centers, for monitoring levels of actual expenditure to prescribed allotments, for projecting the financial status of the University, and for developing financial inputs into academic programs.  #January 27, 2022 Informational Report

2.45.10 The Controller shall be responsible for establishing, coordinating and maintaining through authorized management an integrated plan and system for the control of financial operations in a accordance with operating policies, and shall be responsible for the following (2.45.11):

2.45.11 The Associate and Assistant Controllers shall be responsible for the design and maintenance of internal fiscal controls and the analysis and reporting of financial data, including the University-wide annual audit. In addition, they shall be in charge of the recording and reporting of financial transactions and the management of cash flow forecasting and cash management. Administrative Report September 2015

2.48.10 The Internal Auditors shall be responsible for review of institutional policies and procedures, financial audits of University programs, and determination of compliance.

2.49.10 The Director of the W. Alton Jones Campus shall be responsible for managing and directing the business and the assignment of conference and environmental education facilities at the W. Alton Jones Campus.

2.50.10 The Vice President for Research and Economic Development shall serve as the Chief Research Officer of the University with overall supervision for the research and economic development missions of the University and shall serve as a member of the President’s Senior Leadership Team. Administrative Report September 2015

2.50.11 The Vice President shall be responsible for the research programs and economic development initiatives and advocate for the University’s outreach activities. The Vice President also is responsible for facilitating ongoing academic research opportunities, strengthening research infrastructure, nurturing research ideas and initiatives, and management of the URI Research Foundation, while also promoting diversity in the University’s research enterprises and providing a compelling voice for the University’s research and outreach activities to both internal and external constituencies. #21-22-6

2.50.12 The Vice President shall, with the assistance of staff, sign on behalf of the University, applications for research grants and contracts for outside agencies, federal, state, local or private; shall be in charge of reporting and recording research grants and contracts; serve on the University Research Council and, in that capacity, maintain files of the council, accept applications for committee grants and notify applicants of committee action relative to applications; maintain current files on federal, state, local and private foundations or granting agencies to which University personnel seeking funding for research projects might apply, and, as they may desire, consult with and advise staff members on the processing of applications; review and grant clearance for distribution of research questionnaires designed by faculty or students for off-campus use; keep current and distribute sets of the University Research Facilities Inventory; maintain an information file for the use of faculty or staff members in matters of patent or copyright policy or application; and act as a liaison officer in matters pertaining to the general research policy.

2.50.13 The Vice President shall have oversight of the University of Rhode Island Research Foundation and serve as an ex officio member of the Board of Directors (see 3.50.10 – 3.50.21). Administrative Report September 2015

2.60.10 The Vice President for Student Affairs shall be responsible for integrating within the academic goals of the University the broad range of programs and activities that constitute the life of the student outside the classroom and for assuring that each student has the opportunity for a fully integrated and absorbing educational experience, including the cultural, social, academic and recreational aspects. In addition, the Vice President shall be responsible for guiding and coordinating the fiscal management and programs of the student service auxiliary enterprises.  The Vice President shall serve as a member of the President’s Senior Leadership Team.

2.60.11 The Vice President shall have administrative responsibility for the Memorial Union Advisory Council, the Student Health Advisory Council, the WRIU Advisory Committee, and the Student Rights and Responsibilities Committee (see 5.73.10 – 5.73.13). In carrying out these responsibilities, the Vice President shall be assisted by the following (2.61.10 – 2.73.10). Administrative Report September 2015

2.61.10 The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students shall be responsible for providing programs and services to meet the needs of student subgroups such as commuter students, graduate students, older students, students with disabilities, and women students; advising student organizations which represent these subgroups; substance abuse prevention; coordinating the University Conduct System; and serving as University compliance officer for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.  #January 27, 2022 Informational Report

2.62.10 The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Director of Housing and Residential Life shall serve as the university’s emergency response officer and coordinate professional development programs and budgets for the Division of Student Affairs and shall be responsible for the management of the residence halls.

2.63.10 The Administrator of the University Bookstores shall manage the University Bookstores.

2.64.10 The Administrator of Dining Services shall be in charge of the dining halls for students, the catering service, and the Memorial Union Food Services.

2.66.10 The Director of the Memorial Union and Student Involvement and the Center for Student Leadership Development shall be responsible for the overall management of the Memorial Union as an integral part of the University’s educational mission; supervising its services and facilities through coordination of physical, financial, and personnel resources; coordinating non-athletic co-curricular campus activities; advising all student organizations concerning their student activity programming needs; maintaining a master calendar of activities and facilities for non-academic events; and working closely with the Memorial Union Board of Directors, the Memorial Union Advisory Council, and the Student Center for Student Leadership Development. Administrative Report September 2015

2.67.10 The Director of Health Services shall maintain the health, safety and well-being of the students; direct the University Health Services; cooperate with all divisions of the University in maintaining the health and safety of the campus environment and assist in developing programs of education in prevention and intervention. Appropriate medical service shall be provided for students and emergency medical care for any person on campus.

2.67.11 The Director shall be assisted by the Director of Clinical Services who shall formulate and administer clinical policies.

2.68.10 The Director of the Counseling Center shall administer a comprehensive mental health program for a diverse student population including short-term personal counseling, group counseling, and educational outreach programs and shall develop programs and workshops for University students and staff on human development and mental health issues, as appropriate.

2.72.10 The Director of Special Programs for Talent Development shall be responsible for recruiting students for Talent Development and providing academic support services and programs for Talent Development students.

2.73.10 The Manager of Conference and Special Program Development shall be responsible for the promotion and operation of conferences and special programs and shall do so in cooperation with other University departments as appropriate. Administrative Report September 2015

2.75.10 The University Chaplains, although not administratively responsible to the Vice President for Student Affairs, shall be expected to maintain cooperative relations with the Vice President’s office.

2.80.10 The University of Rhode Island Foundation President shall be responsible to the University Foundation Board of Directors to conduct the business of the Foundation, including fundraising and endowment management operations. The URI Foundation President shall serve as a member of the President’s Senior Leadership Team. Administrative Report September 2015

2.80.20 The Executive Director of Alumni Relations shall direct the alumni office, supervise alumni publications, promote the alumni program in the field; maintain alumni records and mailing lists and work with class officers on plans and programs for reunions and other alumni events; organize and strengthen alumni clubs and their programs; promote with undergraduate groups an understanding of Alumni Association objectives. The Director shall work with the President of the University, and serve as liaison for the URI Foundation and the Alumni Association Board. Administrative Report September 2015

2.80.30 The Executive Director, External Relations and Communications shall report to the President and, as a member of the President’s Senior Leadership Team, shall serve as a senior communications advisor to President’s Senior Leadership Team regarding public issues. The Director shall be responsible for university relationships with external stakeholders, including Chambers of Commerce, opinion leaders, civic groups, and others as well as for the offices of Communications and Marketing and Publications and Creative Services, publications such as QuadAngles, and the University’s Speakers Bureau. Administrative Report September 2015

2.82.10 The Chief of Staff to the President shall report to the President and provide executive level support to the President as a member of the President’s Senior Leadership Team and shall serve as liaison for the President with the following: the Vice Presidents and members of the senior leadership team, the URI Foundation; the URI Alumni Association, and the URI Board of Trustees. The Chief of Staff shall be responsible for the overall management of the Office of the President as well as the Office of Public Programming and Special Events. Administrative Report September 2015, #20-21-36   #January 27, 2022 Informational Report

2.83.10 The Director of Athletics shall report to the President and shall be responsible for men and women’s intercollegiate athletics, and as the coordinator of athletic facilities, shall be responsible for the management of facilities and equipment. The Director is a member of the President’s Senior Leadership Team. Administrative Report September 2015

2.84.10 The General Counsel shall provide legal services to the President and his staff, represent the President and the university before boards, commissions, and courts as necessary, and such other duties as the President may assign. Administrative Report September 2015

2.85.10 The Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Vice President for Community, Equity and Diversity shall work as part of the senior leadership team; lead the effort to integrate diversity, equity, and community into the University’s core mission, vision, and strategies; serve as a member of the President’s Senior Leadership Team; advise and inform the President on all issues related to diversity, equity, and the development and sustenance of a vibrant and diverse community of students, staff, and faculty throughout the University; interface regularly with all Vice Presidents and all divisions to ensure that active and viable diversity and community initiatives are being developed and implemented in all divisions. The Chief Diversity Officer shall be assisted by the following (2.85.20 – 2.85.70): Administrative Report September 2015

2.85.20 The Director of Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Diversity shall serve as an educator and spokesperson for the University regarding issues of affirmative action, equal opportunity and diversity. The director shall develop, implement, supervise and monitor affirmative action and equal opportunity programs in compliance with state and federal regulations, URI Board of Trustees policy, and the University’s goals to enhance diversity within the University community. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Director shall be aided by an Assistant Director. Administrative Report September 2015   #January 27, 2022 Informational Report

2.85.30 The Director of the Women’s Center shall develop programs, services and activities for the University of Rhode Island Women’s Center. The Director shall provide leadership in promoting equitable education and access for women students and shall provide programming in support of women students, faculty and staff. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Director shall be aided by an Assistant Director. Administrative Report September 2015

2.85.40 The Director of the URI Gender and Sexuality Center shall coordinate and direct University-wide services and programs for the LGBTQ community. The Director shall be responsible for the Gender and Sexuality Center and the development of the Center’s programs, policies and practices. Administrative Report September 2015

2.85.50 The Director of Multicultural Student Services shall be responsible for programs and services to multicultural students and the management of the multicultural center. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Director shall be aided by an Assistant Director. Administrative Report September 2015

2.85.60 The Director of Community and Organizational Development shall be responsible for providing leadership, assessment and organizational development relating to cultural change, diversity and strategic management; develop mentoring programs for faculty, staff and students; develop collaborative initiatives and programs that enhance a sense of community and create and implement educational programs that enhance multicultural competencies. Administrative Report September 2015

2.85.70 The Director of Faculty and Staff Recruitment and Retention shall be responsible for developing and managing diversity initiatives to recruit, retain, and create a welcoming work environment for diverse employees; develop strategies to provide support and direction to search committees in order to attract diverse candidates; establish local, national, and international recruitment networks to identify outstanding diverse candidates. Administrative Report September 2015