A New Anti-Inflammatory Compound Named Isoquebecol

Disclaimer: The findings discussed are lab based and further studies need to be done.

Inflammation is a process by which the body responds to infections, injuries, etc. When the inflammatory response doesn’t work properly it can lead to conditions such as arthritis, psoriasis (chronic inflammatory skin disease), asthma, and others. Deregulation of the inflammatory response also contributes to diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

During research called Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of isoquebecol, scientists explained that “Plants have been used for centuries in the traditional medicine of many cultures to alleviate pain associated with inflammatory diseases.” 

In an effort to find a new treatment for this condition, researchers are studying the natural compounds found in maple syrup. Why? Because in the past few years, there have been several discoveries of new compounds found in maple syrup that showed activity against different cancers and the prevention of chronic diseases. During this new research, scientists have discovered a new compound they named Isoquebecol, which may have anti-inflammatory activity.

Natural medicine is the future, and maple syrup can be a part of this future!

Reference: Cardinal S, Paquet-Côté PA, Azelmat J, Bouchard C, Grenier D, Voyer N. Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of isoquebecol. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2017, 25:2043-2056. DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2017.01.050 https://web.uri.edu/maple/synthesis-and-anti-inflammatory-activity-of-isoquebecol/