URI Researchers Discover New Compounds in Maple Syrup

Disclaimer: The findings discussed are lab based and further studies need to be done.

The University of Rhode Island is contributing to medical advancements. 

Research done here at The University of Rhode Island examined maple syrup and its components. Different studies have shown that the biological compounds found in maple syrup have antioxidant properties, protective benefits against tumors, and can slow down the growth of cancers. With this motivation, scientists decided to study the components of maple syrup. 

Their objectives were to identify the biological compounds found in maple syrup, as well as antioxidants. During the study, they were able to isolate 23 compounds, and 16 of these compounds were reported from maple syrup for the very first time. 

Researchers speculated that the compounds found in maple syrup may have potential health benefits but further studies should be done to confirm that.

Reference: Li, L.; Seeram, N.P. Maple syrup phytochemicals include lignans, coumarins, a stilbene and other previously unreported antioxidant phenolic compounds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58, 11673-11679. https://web.uri.edu/maple/maple-syrup-phytochemicals-include-lignans-coumarins-a-stilbene-and-other-previously-unreported-antioxidant-phenolic-compounds/