URI Master Gardener Program

Cooperative Extension

My lab focuses on the evolution


My lab focuses on the evolution of algae and microeukaryotes from a molecular, ecological and phylogenetic context. In particular, we are interested in the evolutionary mechanisms behind major lifestyle transitions, such as gain or loss of photosynthesis and changes across a spectrum of symbioses. We currently use red algae, apicomplexans and stramenopiles to investigate these questions. With a combination of microscopy, phylogenetic, metabarcoding and genomic techniques in the field and lab, we examine recent lifestyle transitions to determine how they occur.

For cards in columns, a cleaner look can be achieved by ensuring that each card’s image has the same aspect ratio. While images can be cropped in the WordPress media library, it is generally easier and more accurate to edit images prior to uploading them.

Cards can also be floated left or right. Floated cards have a stacked layout and take up about a third of the page width on desktop browsers.

Adding a Card

On sites using the Block Editor, cards (Card block editor icon) can be added from the block library, under the Component Library section. Card content can be edited directly. On sites using the older Visual Editor, cards can be added by choosing the Card pictograph (Card WYSIWYG toolbar icon) from the editor’s toolbar. Use the editor dialogue to add content and adjust options. To edit the card later, double-click the card preview to show the editor dialogue again.

This is me

Feature content


On sites using the Block Editor, cards (Card block editor icon) can be added from the block library, under the Component Library section. Card content can be edited directly.

On sites using the older Visual Editor, cards can be added by choosing the Card pictograph (Card WYSIWYG toolbar icon) from the editor’s toolbar. Use the editor dialogue to add content and adjust options. To edit the card later, double-click the card preview to show the editor dialogue again.

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