
Each year, the URI Master Gardener Program participates in the North American poinsettia trials, assisting three breeders (Syngenta, Ball and Dummen) with data collection for multiple varieties of poinsettias. The plants are grown up in our greenhouses at East Farm, and our growing notes are reported back to the breeders annually; including information about growth stages, leaf structure, bloom and color. 

Bulk sales of 25 plants or more are available to the public at $8.00/plant. Payment is by check only. Bulk poinsettia sales directly support the URI Master Gardener Program’s educational services, including the Gardening and Environmental Hotline, kiosks, soil pH testing, public presentations and our Project Open House. If you are interested in placing a bulk order, please fill out the form below.

Sign up for the URI Cooperative Extension newsletter to receive updates about the next Poinsettia Sale, workshops, and more!

Caring For Poinsettias


  • Place your plants in indirect sunlight for at least six hours per day. If direct sun can’t be avoided, diffuse
    the light with a shade or sheer curtain.
  • Provide room temperatures between 68 – 70°F. If you are comfortable, so is your poinsettia!
  • Water your plant when the soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Use a large, roomy shopping bag to protect your plant when transporting it.


  • Place your plants near excessive heat, including near appliances, fireplaces or ventilating ducts.
  • Expose your plants to cold drafts or temperatures below 50°F – poinsettias don’t belong outside in the winter!
  • Over water your plants or allow them to sit in standing water. Always remove your plants from any
    decorative container before watering and allow the water to drain out the bottom.
  • Expose your plant to chilling winds when transporting it or fertilize it when it is in bloom!