Description: (Lecture, 3 credits) Study of material microstructure and mechanical properties, high loading rate mechanics, time-dependent deformation mechanisms, energy generation applications, materials in irradiated environment, and future directions in materials for extreme environments.
Pre-requisite: CVE 220 or permission of instructor.
Instructor: Professor Hamouda Ghonem, Office: Engineering Building Rm 212, Phone: 874-2909, Email:
Text: lecture notes.
Course Topics:
- Part 1: Overview of engineering systems under extreme environment
- Part 2: Materials microstructure, imperfections and diffusion
- Part 3: Mechanics of Materials and damage mechanisms under high loading rate
- Part 4: Mechanics of Materials and damage mechanisms under high temperature
- Part 5: Material selection and degradation mechanisms in energy generation applications
- Part 6: Material selection and degradation mechanisms in irradiated environment
- Part 7: Future directions in materials for extreme conditions