Our Goal
RI NEMO provides information, education, and assistance to local land use officials regarding how they can accommodate growth while protecting drinking water supplies and other valuable water resources. Since 1993, we have been the only RI organization providing a consistent source of research-based information and tools to help local officials manage community water resources.
Our Audience
RI NEMO seeks to help Rhode Island municipal officials who make land use decisions, including board, council, and commission members, planners, and other staff. Our programs also reach state agency staff, non-profit environmental organizations, and private sector professionals.
Our Staff
Lorraine Joubert, Program Director
Lisa DeProspo Philo, Communications Specialist
Art Gold, Faculty Research Advisor
Our Connection to Cooperative Extension
RI NEMO is one of four Cooperative Extension programs at the University of RI dedicated to helping Rhode Islanders protect their water resources and health. Check out the other three programs:
New England Onsite Wastewater Training Program
Watershed Watch
We also are partners with the Watershed Hydrology Lab and the Environmental Data Center, whose research informs our programs and educational assistance.
Current Projects
RI NEMO is currently involved in two significant projects: a municipal capacity training and public outreach project, which is part of the RI Department of Health Center for Drinking Water Quality, and work to advance stormwater and watershed management with the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Network.