Get Involved!

People are interested in preserving the North Woods as it is; as a living learning space for large swaths of the campus community.

~Dr. Brett Still, Faculty in the Natural Resources Science Department

Five smiling students with field equipment stand among trees in the North Woods.
Members of the North Woods Hiking and Conservation Club organized the Spring 2024 BioBlitz,
which included workshops on art, writing, and poetry as well as data collection about wildlife found in the North Woods.

Students and faculty are working to protect the North Woods, and uplift it as a resource for the URI community. To get involved, explore the opportunities below.

What to Know About Cleanups: Please note that cleanup activities should be limited to official events organized by the groups on this website. Some of the human artifacts in the North Woods are related to historical sites, and can reveal key information about the past. When in doubt, leave something as you found it. Actual trash can be removed at a later date, but once a piece of evidence (such as a bottle, can, or ceramic shard) has been taken out of a site, it loses connection as a piece of North Woods history.  If you’d like to organize or participate in a cleanup event, reach out to the North Woods Hiking and Conservation Club at

Official cleanups and stewardship events have helped to restore the natural beauty of the North Woods.