Graduate Dietetics Future Education Model – Pre-Select Admission
The Pre-Select Graduate Dietetics Future Education Model Program (FG Program) admission option is offered to those who are currently enrolled in the University of Rhode Island B.S. in Dietetics program only. These students have the opportunity to apply for early admission into the URI FG Program prior to the spring computer matching process. Students applying to the pre-select admission option will commit to attending the URI and to bypass the computer matching application and selection process. If you are not admitted through the pre-select process, you are still able to participate in the spring computer matching process for URI and other programs. A maximum of 50% of our FG slots may be filled through the pre-select option.
- For example: If there are 8 FG slots available, 0-4 slots may be filled by the URI pre-select applicants.
- Enrollment is expected to be limited to 8 students in 2024-2025; therefore a maximum of 4 students will be accepted through the pre-select process.
Qualification Requirements Include
- Currently enrolled in the B.S. in Dietetics program (DPD program) with plans to complete by May or August 2024.
- Criteria used for admission include:
- Academic achievement
- Relevant work experience
- Personal statement
- Recommendation letters
- Extracurricular/volunteer activities
- Commitment to or experience related to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice
In Addition, Applicants Must
- Have a DPD GPA and overall GPA of 3.0 or greater out of 4.0, with a grade of C or higher in all DPD science and DPD professional courses.
- Submit a completed application to DICAS (Dietetic Internship Centralized Application Services) by 11:59 pm EST on December 5, 2023. Please see the DICAS website for current application information.
- Details of the application process will be available before November 2023. The application portal is not expected to be open before November 1, 2023.
- In DICAS, you will:
- Complete a personal statement with a maximum of approximately 1,000 words. Questions to be addressed in the personal statement include:
- Why do you want to enter the dietetics profession?
- What are some experiences that have helped to prepare you for your career?
- What do justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion mean to you as a future dietetics professional?
- What are your short-term and long-term goals?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses or areas needing improvement?
- Why did you choose the University of Rhode Island and the Pre-Select process?
- Send official electronic transcripts from all colleges and universities attended.
- Include the name and contact information (specifically an e-mail address) for each reference. This will trigger an e-mail message requesting completion of an online reference form.
- Complete a personal statement with a maximum of approximately 1,000 words. Questions to be addressed in the personal statement include:
- Submit a completed application to DICAS (Dietetic Internship Centralized Application Services) by 11:59 pm EST on December 5, 2023. Please see the DICAS website for current application information.
- Submit three references, including at least 1 academic reference who can discuss your potential to complete a master’s degree.
- List all work, extracurricular, and/or volunteer experiences in the appropriate sections; resumes will not be used for evaluation of work and volunteer experiences.
- Request a Declaration of Intent to Complete Degree or Verification Statement
- A valid Declaration of Intent to Complete Degree or Verification Statement from URI must be submitted before the applicant can begin the FG.
- A final DPD Verification Statement and B.S. Degree in Dietetics from URI are required before the start of the FG in August 2024.
- If accepted for Pre-Select, DO NOT register for computer matching through D&D Digital; you will be ineligible for computer matching because you have made a commitment to attend URI.