The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) program provides a dynamic framework for intellectual growth, fostering collaboration among a diverse community of students. Designed to encourage interdisciplinary exploration, the program challenges you to uncover connections between various fields while engaging with peers who bring expertise from different professions and learning areas. This approach broadens your understanding of your chosen areas while broadening your perspective through meaningful interactions and shared learning experiences.
The program offers students who have completed 45 or more college credits the opportunity to join the BIS program and complete their remaining undergraduate credits online. This program is available to qualified students in the Finish What You Started (FWYS) program at URI.
Courses are offered in 7-week sessions through our accelerated online calendar, with two sessions in each term (Spring,Summer, Fall). Students can start the program in Spring, Summer, or Fall semester. Students will be able to complete any remaining General Education credits.
BIS 199
WRT 227
BIS 399
Students will take 9 additional classes from the following areas (in no particular order):
Effective Communication:
COM 302
COM 310
COM 322
COM 361
COM 441
COM 422
Strategic Thinking
NUR 383
HDF 318G
COM 310
COM 414
COM 383
COM 422
Ethics and Leadership
GWS 325G
THE 338G
HLT 313
COM 477
COM 310
COM 361
A total of 120 credits is required for graduation. At least 30 of these must be in courses numbered 300 or above. General education requirements are the same as outlined in the University of Rhode Island catalog.
Tuition per credit based on 2024/2025 academic year rates (subject to change): $610
Students in this program are typically:
- Non-traditional, adult learners (approx. 25 years of age or older)
- Currently employed or have other responsibilities (e.g., family caretaker)
- Current or previous Military/Veteran status
- All students require flexibility and accessibility in order to successfully complete this degree program.
If an applicant has received an associate degree from a regionally accredited institution, applicants must have earned a minimum 2.4 GPA (on a 4.0 scale), be in good standing and eligible to return to institutions previously attended. Associate degree applicants are not required to submit a high school transcript.
Fall 2025 Dates
Discover URI Online
Gain an understanding of the high quality of URI Online curriculum and the many benefits of learning online while balancing work, school and family.

Program Outcomes
Advance your career with URI Online.
Gain the essential skills to thrive in a wide range of professional roles.

An Effective Communicator
Demonstrate the ability to communicate ideas professionally using a variety of different media (oral, written, visual) appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context.

A Strategic, Evidence-Based Thinker
Compare, contrast, and synthesize information from a variety of disciplinary concepts and professional practices.
Integrate theory and practice in interdisciplinary fields to solve problems.

An Ethical and Inclusive Leader
Apply professional and ethical approaches to decision-making and problem-solving.
Demonstrate an ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal.