URI Online: Program Development Process
Developing an online program for delivery through URI Online requires close collaboration between the program director, faculty teaching the online courses, and the URI Online team led by Jill Firtell, Director of URI Online.
URI Online has specific procedures and timelines that need to be followed to coordinate the many efforts involved in developing, launching, and offering an online program. This may be different from the way you and your faculty are used to developing new programs.
The URI Online team works collaboratively with faculty and program director to guide and supports your program throughout every step in the process.

Inquire: Pre-Proposal Planning
Meet with Jill Firtell, Director of URI Online, to discuss your program ideas. In this meeting, URI Online will review and answer any questions about the process for proposing and developing an online program.
Plan: Program Proposal
Departments proposing a new URI Online programs must:
- Conduct a marketing analysis demonstrating expected student demand for such a program and the employment opportunities for graduates. URI Online can assist and provide examples to aid in execution.
- Following a meeting with Jacqueline Hodges, Assistant Director of URI Online, submit a seed grant proposal to the Provost’s office for approval and funds to help you get started. Signing and submitting the seed funding proposal application confirms that participating faculty understand the expectations, process, and requirements for developing courses and program coordinators understand and agree to URI Online’s expectations of them and to federal, state, and accreditation regulations related to online programs.
- Seed Grant Proposal (Word)
- Seed Grant Budget (Google Sheet – view only)
- Seed grant budget reflects the grant model for FY’ 23 as of Jan 2022.
- FAQs (PDF)
- Follow the established Faculty Senate curriculum procedures for approval of the program and all its associated courses.
Develop: Course Development, Marketing, and Launch
- The program director and director of URI Online, in consultation with the Instructional Design team and marketing, set a program launch date. Adherence to that date is critical as several efforts will converge on that point.
- Based on that date:
- The program director, faculty, and Instructional Design team establish a schedule of course development, incorporating information on course offerings.
- Marketing meets with the program director to develop a strategic plan awareness marketing campaign will work collaboratively with the Program Director develops a communications plan.
- The program director and director of URI Online will meet regularly to ensure that the plans are on track and to identify and resolve any emerging concerns.
Course Development
All courses in the program will have master courses developed using the accelerated (7-week) schedule and following the URI Online course development process.
Courses are developed by faculty by engaging in an Online Design course – an 8-week, intensive professional development course with a goal of supporting faculty in designing a coherent online program including an external Quality Matters review (Online Design Syllabus). Program success depends on all parties meeting their respective expectations and agreements and staying in close communication throughout.