Impacts of maternal PFOS exposure on neuronal development

Investigator: Belinda Barbagallo, Salve Regina University Theme: Neuroscience Title: Impacts of maternal PFOS exposure on neuronal development  Award: SURF PUI Training Award (2022-2024) Abstract: Neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities, affect approximately 15% of children in the United States, with the prevalence of multiple disorders rising over the last four decades. Most […]

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Neural Mechanisms Underlying Maladaptive Reward Memories in Drosophila

INVESTIGATOR: Kristin Scaplan, Bryant University MENTOR: Karla Kaun, Brown University SCIENTIFIC THEME: Neuroscience ABSTRACT: Alcohol addiction constitutes one of the most serious public health problems worldwide. Despite its devastating impact, there are few effective treatments. Circuit based approaches to treat addiction provide a powerful opportunity to develop more specific and effective treatments. However, circuit complexity has […]

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Metabolic dysregulation in Frontotemporal Dementia

Investigator: Marla Tipping, Providence College Theme: Neuroscience Title: Metabolic dysregulation in Frontotemporal Dementia Award: SURF PUI Training Award (2022-2024) Abstract: A common attribute of neurodegenerative disease is a change in the way cells break down and utilize nutrients, as well as their ability to build new macromolecules. Collectively, this is referred to as metabolic reprogramming, […]

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MindImmune Therapeutics

Industry User: MindImmune Therapeutics, Inc. MindImmune Therapeutics, Inc. a small pharmaceutical company with an impact that is emerging daily, is based in Kingston, at the University of Rhode Island. The company is developing first-in-class therapeutic drugs targeting the immune system to treat diseases of the central nervous system, including Alzheimer’s disease.  The company recently announced […]

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Development of an Online Platform for Dyadic Interaction Research

Investigator: Thomas Malloy, Rhode Island College Scientific Theme: Neuroscience Abstract: The Social Relations Laboratory at Rhode Island College ( is focused on intergroup and interpersonal behavior. Using a face to face interaction paradigm, the laboratory has studied interpersonal attraction (Malloy, 2018a), perceptions of interpersonal similarity (Malloy, 2019), the accuracy of interpersonal perceptions (Malloy, 2020) and […]

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Neurobiological Markers of Language and Literacy in Bilingual Children

CO-INVESTIGATOR: Alisa Baron, University of Rhode Island MENTOR Nicole Landi University of Connecticut CO-INVESTIGATOR: Vanessa Harwood, University of Rhode Island MENTOR Susan Brady, University of Rhode Island THEME: Neuroscience ABSTRACT: The goals of the proposed project are to employ neuroimaging techniques and a broad set of language and literacy measures to investigate literacy development for bilingual, […]

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Mechanisms of actin-dependent regulation of nuclear pores in postmitotic neurons

INVESTIGATOR: Claudia Fallini, University of Rhode Island MENTOR: William Van Nostrand, University of Rhode Island SCIENTIFIC THEME: Neuroscience ABSTRACT: A detailed insight into the molecular defects leading to neuronal death in ALS/FTD is still missing, hindering the development of a cure. Defects in the nuclear pore complex (NPC) and nucleocytoplasmic transport (NCT) have been proposed to […]

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