Opportunity for unbiased, multidisciplinary exchange on PFAS
The FLUOROS symposium dedicated to sharing the latest science on PFAS, “silent” and harmful chemicals often present in common household and business settings, is postponed from October of 2020 to October of 2021. This will allow for a face-to-face convening of international researchers to address progress on defining the adverse health impacts of PFAS and addressing their ubiquitous presence. “FLUOROS 2021 – An International Symposium on Fluorinated Compounds and Their Impacts on Human and Environmental Health” will take place October 3-6, 2021 at the WaterFire Arts Center (Providence, RI) and registration will open in Spring 2021.
Focus areas of the future symposium will include “Dealing with the Universe of PFAS,” “Global Transport and Fate,” “Remediation and Disposal,” “Ecological Effects, Vulnerable Species or Pathways,” and “Epidemiology and Toxicology.” In addition, posters will be displayed throughout the Symposium, with dedicated time to allow poster presenters to interact with attendees; trainee and student poster proposals are strongly encouraged.
FLUOROS 2021 is hosted by the University of Rhode Island STEEP (Sources, Transport, Exposure, & Effects of PFAS) Superfund Research Program and funded, in part, by the National Institute of Health Environmental Health Sciences in coordination with partners from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Silent Spring Institute.