Bid Responses for Public Works

In accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws Section 37-2-18(b) and the proposed Purchasing Regulations (Effective on or about 1/11/11) Section “The burden to identify and withhold from the public copy that is released at the bid opening any trade secrets, commercial or financial information, or other information the bidder deems not subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 38-2, the Access to Public Records Act, shall rest solely and exclusively with the bidder submitting the bid proposal.”

All submitted bids are listed below:

Bid Number:Date of Bid:Vendor Name:Description:
10018502/11/2016Tower Construction Corp.

URI Dorm Plumbing and Heating Renovations

10018502/11/2016Urbane Construction Corp.

URI Dorm Plumbing and Heating Renovations

Bid Number:Date of Bid:Vendor Name:Description:


Click here for Prior Public Works Bids from 12/1/2011 through 12/31/2015

All information posted on the University of Rhode Island Purchasing Department website is strictly for public information. The University of Rhode Island Purchasing Department will review all original proposal documents submitted before making a final determination as to the apparent low bidder on any solicitation. The burden to identify and withhold from the public copy any trade secrets, commercial or financial information, or other information the bidder deems not subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 38-2-1, et seq., “Access to Public Records Act,” shall rest solely and exclusively with the bidder submitting the bid proposal.


Public Copy