Chemistry of biological transformations in the cell.
Continue reading "CMB 311: Introductory Biochemistry"Category: Default2
CMB 352: General Genetics
Introduction to basic genetic principles and concepts leading to an understanding of genes, heredity, and the nature of inherited variation.
Continue reading "CMB 352: General Genetics"CLA 396: Myths of Rome
Nature and function of myth in Roman society; origins and influence of Romanitas as found in Roman literature: history, epic, lyric, novel.
Continue reading "CLA 396: Myths of Rome"CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans
Nature and function of myth in the ancient world and today: ideas of divinity, relationship of divine to human, origins of cosmos and human society, male and female principles, power hierarchies, coming of age, the heroic experience.
Continue reading "CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans"CLA 391: Ancient Laughter: The Comic Tradition in Greece and Rome
Introduction to the comic tradition in Western literature through its origins in Greece and Rome.
Continue reading "CLA 391: Ancient Laughter: The Comic Tradition in Greece and Rome"CHM 228: Organic Chemistry Lecture II
Continuation of 227 with emphasis on the aromatic series.
Continue reading "CHM 228: Organic Chemistry Lecture II"CHM 226: Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Common techniques and typical preparative methods in both aliphatic and aromatic series.
Continue reading "CHM 226: Organic Chemistry Laboratory"CHM 124: Introduction To Organic Chemistry
Elementary principles of organic chemistry with emphasis on aliphatic compounds, especially those of physiological significance such as amino acids and proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and waxes.
Continue reading "CHM 124: Introduction To Organic Chemistry"CHM 126: Laboratory for Chemistry 124
Introduction to chemistry procedures, with emphasis on properties of substances of physiological significance.
Continue reading "CHM 126: Laboratory for Chemistry 124"CHM 114: Laboratory for Chemistry 112
Experiments follow the content of CHM 112.
Continue reading "CHM 114: Laboratory for Chemistry 112"