This course is designed to introduce students to the principles of infant and toddler programming.
Continue reading "EDC 323: Infant and Toddler Education and Programming"Category: Session 1
EDC 316: Foundations in Early Childhood Care & Education
This foundational course prepares aspiring early childhood educators to develop their teaching philosophy, skills, and practices aligned with educational theories.
Continue reading "EDC 316: Foundations in Early Childhood Care & Education"EDC 312: The Psychology of Learning
An analysis of learning with emphasis on principles and procedures applicable to any human teaching and learning situation.
Continue reading "EDC 312: The Psychology of Learning"EDC 280: Teacher Program Prep and Career Development-Math
Overview and review of required mathematics content and skills for admission into teacher certification programs.
Continue reading "EDC 280: Teacher Program Prep and Career Development-Math"EDC 102: Introduction To American Education
Introduction to the fundamental structure, functions, and problems of American education.
Continue reading "EDC 102: Introduction To American Education"ECN 590: Principles of Economics
Survey of micro- and macroeconomic theory.
Continue reading "ECN 590: Principles of Economics"ECN 390: Introduction to Analysis Using R
This class in an introduction to economic statistical analysis using R and Excel.
Continue reading "ECN 390: Introduction to Analysis Using R"ECN 202: Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
Principles underlying aggregate demand and aggregate supply in a market economy.
Continue reading "ECN 202: Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics"ECN 201: Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
Principles underlying resource allocation, production, and income distribution in a market economy.
Continue reading "ECN 201: Principles of Economics: Microeconomics"CPL 202: Introductory Urban Geography: Understanding Cities
Introduction to the origin and development of cities in the U.
Continue reading "CPL 202: Introductory Urban Geography: Understanding Cities"