Study of major Spanish film genres and of prominent Spanish film directors.
Continue reading "SPA 320: Critical Studies in Spanish Cinema"Category: Session 1
SPA 103: Intermediate Spanish I
Development of intermediate-level communication skills in Spanish and exploration of products, practices and perspectives of diverse Hispanic cultures.
Continue reading "SPA 103: Intermediate Spanish I"SPA 102: Beginning Spanish II
Continuation of SPA 101.
Continue reading "SPA 102: Beginning Spanish II"SPA 101: Beginning Spanish I
Introductory Spanish for beginners.
Continue reading "SPA 101: Beginning Spanish I"SOC 437: Law and Families in the United States
Investigating family roles, relationships, rights, and responsibilities as defined by the law.
Continue reading "SOC 437: Law and Families in the United States"SOC 240: Race and Ethnicity
Relations among the various ethnic, religious, racial, and political minorities and majorities, with special reference to the United States.
Continue reading "SOC 240: Race and Ethnicity"SOC 212: Sociology of the Family
Examines the role of families in maintaining and changing society.
Continue reading "SOC 212: Sociology of the Family"SOC 100: Introduction to the Sociological Perspective
Sociological approaches to inequality and contemporary social issues regarding race, ethnicity, class, gender.
Continue reading "SOC 100: Introduction to the Sociological Perspective"PSY 480: Psychology of Women
Discussion of psychological research and theories on the psychology of girls and women from a multicultural perspective.
Continue reading "PSY 480: Psychology of Women"PSY 442: Disability in Childhood and Adolescence
Introduction to disability in childhood and adolescence.
Continue reading "PSY 442: Disability in Childhood and Adolescence"