Identification, formulation and evaluation of both inductive and deductive patterns of reasoning.
Continue reading "PHL 101: Critical Thinking"Tag: A3: Humanities
JPN 201: Intermediate Japanese I
Aims to improve listening and speaking skills and communication strategies and develop basic reading and writing skills through intensive practice (Lec.
Continue reading "JPN 201: Intermediate Japanese I"GER 101: Beginning German I
Learn how to talk about, discuss and present on a variety of familiar everyday topics in German while exploring diverse German-speaking cultures.
Continue reading "GER 101: Beginning German I"FRN 320: Studies in French Cinema
Study of major French/Francophone film genres and of prominent French/Francophone directors.
Continue reading "FRN 320: Studies in French Cinema"ENG 260: Women and Literature
Critical study of selected topics.
Continue reading "ENG 260: Women and Literature"ENG 263: Introduction to Literary Genres: The Poem
Introduction to the study of the poem.
Continue reading "ENG 263: Introduction to Literary Genres: The Poem"ENG 243: The Short Story
Critical study of the short story from the early 19th century to the present.
Continue reading "ENG 243: The Short Story"CLA 397: Greek Myth and Tragedy
Relationship between Greek myth and classical tragedy, birth and evolution of tragedy (ancient, medieval, French, English, American), employment of the same myth for different dramatic and political purposes.
Continue reading "CLA 397: Greek Myth and Tragedy"CLA 396: Myths of Rome
Nature and function of myth in Roman society; origins and influence of Romanitas as found in Roman literature: history, epic, lyric, novel.
Continue reading "CLA 396: Myths of Rome"CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans
Nature and function of myth in the ancient world and today: ideas of divinity, relationship of divine to human, origins of cosmos and human society, male and female principles, power hierarchies, coming of age, the heroic experience.
Continue reading "CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans"